Chapter XII

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Love chapter

??: *chuckles* Oh Ria.
As: What the-

He was there sitting peacefully like nothing happened. I stepped back and looked at him again. He was fine?

As: Azriel what are you doing here?
Az: Vincent just asked me give back the sword and I did.

That's right, he's sleeping in my castle. But how did he end up on my balcony?

As: How did you came here? I was in my room ever since you got injured.
Az: Well...Vincent isn't in his bedroom right now-
As: What do you mean? He's not here?
Az: *shakes head* Nope, he flew away taking me with him and you know what he did?
As: Uh..I don't.
Az: He just left me on the roof. On the freaking roof and your balcony was just there so you know.
As: You're a pervert.
Az: I did nothing!
As: And you're dumb!
Az: Shut up astro girl!
As: Demon! You're a demon, you shouldn't talk-

He put his head down and said nothing back. Oh..Did I went too far?..Um..I walked to him slowly and tapped on his shoulder.

As: Azriel? I'm sorry I didn't mean to get that far-
Az: *smirks and puts head up* Payback time!

He touched my belly and started tickling me, making me laugh. He didn't stopped and I was literally out of breath.

As: S-Stop! *laughs* Bahahah!
As: *falls on bed laughing* You're so dumb! Bahah!
Az: *doesn't stop tickling her* Don't need god powers to put your angel face in tears! Haha!
As: I'm crying stop! Haha!

I wiped off my tears and noticed he was on top of me, his both hands were beside my heads side. I lightly blushed and did nothing like an idiot.

Az: *smiles* Maybe...
As: Hm?..what are you thinking?
Az: *gets off of her* Maybe getting married with you isn't such a bad idea after all.
As: W-What. *sits up*
Az: You're not as annoying as I thought you were.
As: Well wow. And I didn't thought you were nice. That's all.
As: Oh apart the first day, you were really rude.
Az: But me more now. Do you?
As: *blushes* Shut up.
Az: I'll take that as a yes.

I stood up and smashed a pillow on his head. War has begin!!

Az: You're so going to die!! *takes shoes off* This is war!!

[ Ada's POV ]

I was waiting on my bedroom for the return on my brother. I was just reading some of Ria's book. All of them were really interesting but I didn't even finished 2 yets. That's when I heard something land on the edge of my window. I got up and opened the window widely to freaking see Vincent. When the window opened he got in quickly. I looked at him confused on why he was here and not in Wendlyn.

Vn: I came to see you, obviously.
Ad: I- uh...okay.
Vn: So, I'm really sorry for that kiss, and if you don't really want to hang out with me, I understand. I just needed more powers and kissing someone makes me more powerful-

That kiss was just amazing, I don't see why he's apologizing- he can kiss me every time I won't even mind! I chuckled and put away my book.


I'll continue the story don't worry <33

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