Chapter VIII

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Vn: Sorry your majesty.
As: I don't have my crown anymore, that title doesn't matter for now.

Indeed her crown is now her sword, but still, she's "new" and is already that powerful, something is wrong but like what Asteria said. It doesn't matter for now, there's a demon trying to destroy the kingdom.

Jk: Die already! Soon the king will rule over the whole World.
Vn: A king?
Jk: I just need to grab the girl with me so can you die!

He again made the shards go on me but I rejected them. He isn't that strong after all-

As: Behind you!!!

I turned my head and shards were coming as fast as before. Asteria ejected them back in a swing and looked fiercely at Jake. He chuckled, again.

As: You won't have my home.
Jk: That fierce look! You're a amazing human, that's why my king wants you!

[ Ada POV ]

We did the whole village and everyone was safe, there was some injuries and death, but if we could save some people, that's all it matters. My brother an I looked back at the sky. The dark clouds were going away letting the sun shine again. Asteria and Vincent got back down to the bakery so we joined them.

Ad: He's gone?
Vn: We didn't manage to kill him. He left with a smirk, that's all.
As: Is it me's very hot in the bakery?
Xa: *shakes head* It's more cold than hot sis-

She fell into's Iris arm, eyes cold. She's alive just tired from fighting.

Az: Isn't that father?

A tall man with a shaved beard rushes in slamming the door. Behind him was a lot of guards ready to attack whatever that seems evil.

Zn: You two!
Ad: Father?..What are you doing here?
Zn: I'm not letting you in this kingdom ever again! Did you see what happened??
Ad: What?! Why??
Zn: And what the heck happened to the princess?! See, this is why I didn't want you two to get out of the castle!
Az: You can't take out liberty from us father and the whole kingdoms know about that their princess is getting married for the piece of the both kingdoms. Don't try to be smart with us.
Ad: For now, we need to get back to Ria's castle.
Xa: Of course, you four can sleep at ours tonight, just to check on my sister.
Vn: Ill thankfully accept that little kid.
Ir: I have to go to my little sister, I'll see you two tomorrow. *smiles*

[ 5 hours later, 21:49, Castle, Asteria POV ]

I woke up in my bedroom feeling tired. My mom was beside me smiling. I smiled back and touched my head.

Me: Darling, where is your crown?
Vn: *enters bedroom* Well it's here.

He was holding the sword I had to battle the demon named Jake. Then my father ran to me and hugged me in his chest.

As: Hello father..
Hr: Ada and Azriel told me everything, are you okay??
As: I'm fine don't worry.
Me: I still don't understand the..magic? I've never heard of demons before.
Me: Neither "half god"..
Vn: My queen, you should speak a little bit properly when there's a half god in front of you.
Me: *tills head* What?...
Ad: And a human who can practice witch magic.
Az: I can see gods. Weird.
Hr: But the crown?

Vincent gave the sword to me and as it touches my hand, the sword disappeared and the crown was here, in my hands.

As: It wasn't a dream.
Ad: Indeed-

In the second, his necklace broke. The stone shattered and made Vincent gasped. I looked at Ada who was confused on how it could break like that.

Hr: I'll call a maid to clean that.

My parents went out of the bedroom leaving us alone. Azriel sat beside me and looked the broken stone on the floor. At first the moonstone was only broke into two pieces but now that Azriel looked at it, it broke into little piece.

Ad: Oh seriously.
Az: Uh I did nothing!
Ad: Great, now I have to make a new necklace for Vincent.
Vn: *chuckles* I don't mind if it's made by you Ada.
Ad: *blushes* YES. I mean yes..
As: *puts crown down* where are Iris and Xander?
Az: Iris went to take care of Lilith and Xander is dead asleep.

I nodded and got out of the bed to open my balcony doors. The wind got in, in a blast and blew my hair back.

As: Better, isn't it?
Vn: I Love me a fresh wind.
Ad: I'm heading to the Astrology room-
Vn: Oh I'm coming with you!

[ Ada's POV ]

What did he say? He's coming with me?? This handsome god is going to be in a room with me ALONE. My heart started to beat faster and I had butterfly in my stomach. This man is the reason of my death. He's just perfect..But anyways I just smiled back at him as we head out of Asteria's bedroom with closing the door behind us.

[ Azriel's POV ]

Az: This marriage is a disaster.
As: What a way to express your feelings.
As: And I'm not happy either with this stupid marriage.

She's not happy to marry me? I frowned and leaned on the balcony fence.

As: We could be happy if you were a little more respectful.
Az: Not in my genes Ria.

She walked to me and looked up to the starry night. Her hair were mid floating by the wind blowing. I noticed she was hugging herself, she must be cold.

Az: *puts his vest on her shoulder* ....
As: Hm..Az-
Az: No, shut up.

She just giggled and put her hand up. A transparent sphere with stars in it showed up on her hand.

As: Azriel, what are you?
Az: What do you mean? I'm the Azriel you always knew.
As: You're

She hesitated but at the end she just smiled. What did she mean? Who am I or rather what am I?

Things are getting interesting! What will happen to Vincent and Ada? What did Asteria meant?

Thank you for reading till here!! I love you all! Chapter 9 is coming ;)

- Lyn

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