The Sin of Envy - Lucifer (Supernatural) - Request by TheMidnightPhoenix

Start from the beginning

Was it guilt?

Perhaps, he hadn't felt that for many years.

He just knew that he didn't like you being this mad at him.

"Look, you just don't get it," he started, only to be cut off by your glare.

"Don't even speak to me, I totally get it, screw me for trying to enjoy my already drastically short life expectancy, hm?"

"I'm not saying you can't have fun."

"Yeah, just as long as it's with you, right?"

You glared at him as he stared at you.

Internally, you were praying for him to say something, to even confirm or deny your claim.

"It's not like that," he finally said.

"Then what is it? Because so far all I'm getting is that I can't go on a date without you calling all units to some burned out warehouse on the outskirts of town!"

"All hands needed for a possible hostage murder situation."

"Why can't you just let me be happy?"


Lucifer trailed off and looked away, crossing his arms and drumming his fingers against his bicep as he shook his head, pulling his lips into a thin line as he took a contemplative pause before turning back to you.

"Because I don't want it to be with anyone else."

For the first time in your life, you felt your brain stutter to a stop as you eyed him disbelief.


Lucifer pulled a pain face, as though even daring to repeat his thoughts was pure agony.

"I have taken a liking to you, I have hated this entire case and I have come so close to killing that cop with my bare hands because you are mine and mine alone."

His sentence had started to run together the longer he talked, his voice raising the further he got into it and the more animated he started to become.

"I've had multiple wives over my years in Hell and they have never come close to making me feel as irrational as you have, it's thrilling and disgusting and I hate it but I also love it."

He'd started pacing by this point, your eyes trailing him as he went from one side to another while he continued to ramble before sharply turning towards you, a look of pure, inextinguishable fire in his eyes.

"This is the most passionate I've felt in a long time," he confessed, sounding desperate, pleading and excited all at once.

You continued to stare with your mouth hung open, all words losing you as a mixture of emotions started to swirl in your head.

This wasn't exactly new to you, you were used to Lucifer being dramatic over anything and everything but this was different, more driven than you had seen him act in a long while.

"Say something," he said after a too long minute.

"I....I don't know what to say."

"Something! Anything! Tell me you hate me, smack me around a bit, tell me it's reciprocated and fall into bed with me, I don't care, just anything to get rid of this disgusting build up."

"I think you're being a bit extreme."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, though his lips pulled back into an amused smirk.

"So you're stalling to save my feelings."

"No, I'm stalling because I'm legitimately unsure of what to say."

"Meaning you don't reciprocate."

"No, meaning it'd be stupid to get involved with the damn Devil and yet I still kind of want to."

"Kind of?"

"Yes," you nodded, licking your bottom lip. "As in I don't think we should call ourselves a couple but I'd be open to a trial date or two."


You huffed a soft laugh through your nose and gave a small shrug.


Lucifer looked around ready to celebrate before you gave him a pointed look, eyes narrowed and finger held up.

"But don't think that gets you out of the woods, I'm still pissed off."

"Oh, who cares about that," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand, "you agreed to go on a date with me."

"Uh-huh," you said with your own small eye-roll, "but first you have to do something for me."


"Call off the damn hostage situation."

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