(Chapter 8) Accept or reject!

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Natsu POV
Did I hear what I thought I heard?

Did Luce just say she likes me more than friends???

That can't be right.......

As I get a hold of the statement, my eyes glare at Luce who act as if nothing happened.....

As I blink to the dirt that swirled in my eyesight, they noticed Luce was no longer at my house anymore.

Trying to remain calm, I dash to Luce's house and knock on the door.

No answer.....

I try again but this time, I hear something make a familiar sound....

My legs quickly ran to the back where I find Luce trying to run away.....


I look at Luce who was well dressed, hair done, and everything....

I stare at Luce for a long time until she utters something like:

"Going with friends tonight and no, you can't come.....

Love you Natsu and oh!
Don't forget to lock the door when I'm gone OK?

See y... "But my sentence puts her in hesitation mode.

"Did you mean what you said earlier?"

She trys to sound strong but breaks and says

"I-i have no idea what you are talking about Natsu."

But I shout out something unexpected" Shut up!"

I suddenly grab her wrist which she watches me with a hurt expression.

I had to do something quick and my lips smash against hers while I embrace her in a hug.

She then takes the lead and begins to return a kiss back to me.

And no lie, it felt great and then my charm dives in and overwhelm me with high self esteem.

I place her against the wall.

Next minute I knew,
We were the in bed with each and
I felt like my charm was starting to take effect....

Or so I thought.....
She wakes up and is calling my name over and over which is similar to music in my ears.

That feels good...
She hugs me and then we suddenly realize that we had again.

Luce jumps on top of me and looks for my lips as I slam mine against her

She later cuddles me and embrace in a snuggly hug while caress her hair.
We drifted in a nice and relaxing slumber.

I kinda miss this experience already....

{To be continued?}

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