(Chapter 6) Repair our friendship!

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{Natsu POV}

I quickly went home and went straight to sleep, where my thoughts ran into me.

All I was thinking about is Luce and if I should have said.


Why did I have to break it down to her so meanly?

I could have said something nicer but to be real, it was only to make her happy.

She doesn't even like me like that anyways.......

It would be great if she loves me more than sex buddies.


But I still feel terrible for saying that.

Man am I cruel....

I start to see imagine Luce running to Gray and gives him a quick peck on lips as they sink into bed together............

My voice raises as I shout:


Then I awoke from my dream and wonder what to do today......

Oh yeah duh!

Apologize to Luce!

But what am I going to wear?

I put on my black t-shirt with a flame design and some jeans along with some Nike's that match my clothing.

I dash out the door in search for Luce...

I start to feel a very acute pain but it reminds me about Luce's suffering.

I start to visualize me and Luce as friends again and wonder what would she say about my apology.....

I couldn't help but worry........

{Lucy POV}

Stupid Nastu!

If only you knew I like you then we would be something more......

I started pace down the sidewalk in desperation to makeup to Natsu for my wrong doing.

I start to see my tears stagnate like rain which drenched my dress.

But I am also the one to blame......

I put my habit in danger and now

We may never be friends again......

I should have break tides with Gray from the start......

I ran to fashion store, change my outfit and throw on a red dress with white pumps.

Alongside it, I fix my hair and transform it into a curly fuze and smear some lip gloss for a finishing touch.

I quickly ran towards Natsu house in search what awaits me.

{Lucy and Natsu POV}

I have to get our friendship back or else she/he would be taken away from me!

That habit!

I need it back!

It was actually the only thing that grew our relationship into something I never thought possible.

But first I need to tell her/him sorry and grasp Nastu/Luce heart!!!!

I want her/his heart to be mine!

Mines and mines only!

And that is a must!

{To be continued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .}

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