(Chapter 2) Competition?

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Natsu POV

I couldn't stop thinking what

if they hadn't interrupted us what will happen.....

I suddenly dream about us doing it.

She was moaning and sounded sexy while she rides me on top of me.

I never thought I would say this but I want to be f**k her so bad and love her till the end.

Then I wake up with my d*ck hard and wet.

Damn if that was in real life, I wouldn't know what do....


I quickly take a shower trying to not think about that and focus on my status as a delinquent.

I quickly dryed off and look at myself in mirror.

But then I realized that I wasn't handsome at all.........

I'm plain and I needed a new look............

Thats when it hit me.

I could try to cut my hair shorter and get a whole new attire...

Yup that'll do....

"Happy!" I yell trying to wake him.

But he didn't budge at all.

Hmm what can I say to him to make him get up.


Ive got an idea...

"Happy,Charla just fly 'cross~~~~"I shout mocking his tongue rolling skill.

Happy quickly open his eyes, gets up, and ask "Charle? Where?"

"Oh I was telling yo...."But he cutted me and said " You tricked me? Wow didnt know that you were smart enough to do that.

"But what do you want?"He ask,trying hard to help me.

"Oh can you go with me to get a new look?

There is this girl I like but she hates me my guts.

I want to her to blush when she sees me.......

You can do that right, Happy?"

I ask, desperately.

Happy face turns from serious to giggly.

"Ok~~~~~~~!! But we you have to go school in an hour.

Are you going to make it?"

He says trying to warn me.

I shrug it off and we head toward the standard store for a new attire of school uniforms.

I look throughout the store and my eye catches something.


There it was..............

I spot a proper uniform and grab some blue and white high top Nike's.

I ran towards the dressing room and change to my new clothing.

Then I settle down at my friend's, Cancer, barber shop to clip my ends.

As he gave my final touches, he faces me toward the mirror and tells me if I like it.

I was amazed and Happy gave me a thumbs.

I quickly dash to the school, telling Happy and Cancer thanks while waving them goodbye.

I hope she'll see something different in me.

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