I rolled my eyes but was taken by shock as he crawled like a snake towards me and hissed near my ear.

"I don't want your property. I don't want you. I'm not your typical villain...",he hissed,his toungue licking my ear.

He tilted my head towards him, forcefully, his long nails digging into my chin.

He got up and started towards the door.

He can't be my father. His hands looked much younger than what a man in his 60s would have. The way he moved his body felt feminine to me.

Is he even a man? His nails were long and painted with black and red. Do guys keep long nails? I mean painting them is a trend but...

I came back to the reality when he said,"Kill him."

I was scared as he went out and two very sturdy men entered and dragged me by my hair.

"Leave me!",I shouted.

My arms bruised the floor, heat creating and burning my elbows due to friction.

They took me to a smaller room and locked it.

I pulled my body up and soon as I did, a green smoke started filling the room.

I have suffocation issues and I wasn't being able to breathe. I was dieing.

I struggled to free myself, I had to. But it went in all vain.

I couldn't, free myself nor could I try to get out. I was oxygen deprived. I was losing my senses. I was fainting and I all that I could hear before closing my eyes was Y/n, shouting....

(End of Taehyung's POV)

(Jin's POV)

"Who's that?",asked Y/n, pointing at the old man, behind the bars.
"He looks familiar...."
"Should we speak?"
"Wait,let me."

I went closer to the bars and called out to the aged man.

"Ah Chogiyo¹! Eoroshin²! Eoroshin!",I called out for the man.
"Who are you?"
"A long time prisoner of my fate....",he said.

Y/n came closer to me to peek a look of the man. The man noticed the new face and narrowed his eyes to see her.

"Do I know you..?",he said, pointing at Y/n.
"Morugesso³...",replied Y/n.
"Is that Princess? Are you our Princess?"
"Y/n-ah?",he said, getting closer to the bars.
"Oh My...! I'm uncle Yoonseok. Remember?"
"You're Yoongi's appa?",I asked.
"Yoongi? You.. you know him? How's he? Where's he?"
"We found his father atleast.",I said to Y/n.
"Eoroshin, he's safe but not okay. He missed you a lot....",said Y/n.
"He's okay? What a relief! He must have gone through a hard time as he had no money...."
"Eoroshin, he's okay. He's my manager. He's paid a monthly salary of 67,309,200 KRW. He is my family. I hope you've already recognised me. I'm that boy adopted by Y/n, that boy who doesn't know his own past."
"Kim Seokjin."
"You've grown so much my boy. Just like your father...."
"I'm sorry that I appear to be so cruel..."
"He's not like that...",said Y/n.
"Cruel? Who's cruel? Taejin?",asked the man, laughing.
"Yes?",I questioned.
"Cruelty and Taejin in one line is unbelievable. He's the truest of man I've ever known. Someone who can sacrifice to save his little boy and wife and drown himself.... That's not cruel."
"Is that sarcasm?",asked Y/n.
"Sarcasm? Why would I give sarcasm Princess? He's the best man I've ever known..."

My whole existence is now a question.

It's clear that Taejin is my and Taehyung's father.

But the question that arises is, if he was drowned then who is threatening us? Did he really die drowning? Who is this person then?

"Eoroshin,you sure Taejin is dead?"
"Hmm... He died years back. His younger boy,your brother Seokjin, should also have grown up if he lives."
"He does. Taehyung. And I know him. We met already and know that we do exist. And currently the one who kidnapped you; kidnapped me,Y/n and Taehyung. We're together. Taehyung isn't with us. We need to find him and also get you out of here.",I said.
"So you two...."
"Yes. We're trying to get out, with you and his brother.",said Y/n.
"How do we cut these bars? Will your obsidian work?", I asked Y/n.
"That lock, we need to break it at first.",said Y/n.
"That man...!",said Y/n, pointing at the gaurd with the keys hanging to his pockets.

We exchanged one look as Y/n turned around and picked up the heavy metal vase.

"Go ahead...!",she said.

I took the vase and bang!

The man fell on the floor, knocked out.

I took the keys and opened the lock.

"Eoroshin, come...!",I said, helping the old man out.
"Okay let's find a way to get him out or to safety first. Then we'll get Taehyung and that person who's claiming to be your father.",said Y/n.

I nodded and we started towards the far end.

"Stop, Y/n. The light of the watchman falls to the other side at every 30 seconds. We'll have exactly 30 seconds to run to the other side."
"Okay. Eoroshin you ready?"
"Ready Princess..."
"Alright, 3...2...1,Go!"

We ran to the other side of the watch tower.

"Just in time. Phew!",Y/n sighed a breath of relief.
"There's the door. Let's go-",I couldn't complete my sentence as we heard shrill screams of a heavy voice.

"Taehyung!",said Y/n and I in unison.

Taehyung was near the other watch tower. His voice came from there.

"Jin,take Eoroshin out. I'll get Taehyung."
"But it can be dangerous..."
"I am not strong at fighting. You are. If something happens to you and Eoroshin, you can deal but not me. Taehyung knows combating with gruesomes. I can be a help to him. The best way is for you to get Eoroshin out."

I took some spare seconds to decide and indeed Y/n had got a point.

"Alright. You go save my brother but please be safe. You're my life. Remember that. I'll get Eoroshin out."
"Yeah..  you're my reason to exist.."

I nodded, placing my hands on her shoulders and looking straight into her star like eyes. I pecked her on her lips and headed with Eoroshin. Y/n waited for the lights to turn to the other side.

"Go!",she said.

And I started running with Min Yoonseok, my Yoongi's father.......

(End of Jin's POV)



1)Chogiyo: Excuse me.
2)Eoroshin: The older one, senior, typically used for someone who's older than one's parents but younger than grandparents.
3)Morugesso: I means "I don't know"  or "Not known to me."


Okay, change in plans..

I'm increasing the chapters cause I suddenly felt like a villain's son wouldn't be so nice like our Jinnie.

And hence
I made a new character as my new villain.

Don't worry
He's yet to be revealed and will be in the next chapter.

I'm trying for a double update because the next chapter is the climax....

Get ready y'all.

And oh!

The above picture in my chapter media is drawn by me.

The Black Swan:Park Jimin

Ha- How You Like That?

Waiting Alone...✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon