
Comenzar desde el principio

The man moaned in pain as Jungkook came out of the room.

"Okay, you can start solving....", said Jungkook.
"What.... Did you... Do?",asked Namjoon, suspecting his weird actions.
"Checked if he was transferring our information to his master.",said Jungkook.
"Why's he moaning?",asked Hoseok.
"Sprinkled Sodium Chloride over his injured body....",he said, winking at his chemistry prodigy would be.

Alpine looked at him with amazement as well as anger.

"Ah- okay... Let's start...",said Aries easing the situation.
"Okay...",said Alpine, still glaring at Jungkook while Jungkook looked frightened by the glare he received.
"Okay so it says  M3Y2S4A2A7.2B27G6S6.",read out Yoongi.
"Hmm.... What can it be....",said Jimin.
"M3....",said Jungkook.
"Look there's an alphabet and then a number....",said Polo.
"Each alphabet to be repeated the number of times the next number is?",asked Hoseok.
"Dot is used for multiplication in algebra with constants and variables. Maybe M3Y2S4A2A7 multiplied by 2B27G6S6."
"So taking you two's theory, you mean 'MMMYYSSSSAAAAAAAAA' multiplied by, wait the pattern changed...",said Alpine, getting more focused as she spotted the difference in the patterns...
"Ah...!",Yoongi made a sound with a complaining tone.
"See the second set,after the dot, starts with a number and has two consecutive numbers after the alphabet...",said Aries.
"It can't be one alphabet being repeated. If it was so, there wouldn't be 'A2A7'. It could have been 'A9'. It's something else...",said Jimin.

Alpine started doodling on the page as Namjoon pondered with his 148 IQ.

"Can those be words?",asked Jungkook.
"Words?",asked Aries.
"Hmm. Look, I never gave mathematics and science olympiads because I was too stupid to give such brainy exams. But in our class, teachers would prepare every student for any competitive examination. That time we did do sums like, if M means the 13th Alphabet from the right and O is L, what does CVILC mean? We had such questions..."
"The 13th Alphabet from the right is....",said Aries.
"N. M means N. And O is L. The Alphabet means the Alphabet on the same position from the mean.",said Alpine.
"So CVILC means...",said Hoseok.
"Xerox...?",asked Jimin.
"Yes. Did you make this question or do you still remember what sums you solved as a kid?",asked Alpine.
"I remember some.",said Jungkook.
"Guys! Now's not the time...",scolded Polo.
"Yeah, Sorry. Okay, so by Jk's method, M3... A word with M that has 3 letters?",asked Aries.
"Or a word that has M and 3 more letters...",said Namjoon.
"What can be?",asked Hoseok.
"Mean? Meow? Miss?",asked Jimin.
"Google....",said Yoongi...
"Google always reminds me of the time I succeeded my interview through Google meet... That was an experience....",said Polo, reminiscing the old days.
"Wait! What did you say? Google....",said Yoongi.
"Meet..",said Polo.
"Meet... Alpine, Meet can be the word...",said Yoongi.
"Namjoon write all the words we came up with.",said Aries.
"Hmm...",said Namjoon, jotting down the words.
"Okay now, Y2.",said Hoseok.
"You?",asked Jimin.
"Meet You....",said Polo, nodding her head.
"S4",said Jungkook.
"Soon. Meet You Soon.",said Alpine.
"A2...",said Namjoon.
"At? Meet You Soon At...",said Hoseok.
"What is A7?",asked Polo.
"Should be a place...",said Jimin.
"In Korea or out of Korea? There are several places...",said Namjoon.
"Jin stays in Seoul...",said Polo.
"But he was found in Ansan...",said Hoseok.
"But didn't you say you two lived one street away from him?",asked Aries.
"We do. This apartment was a gift to Yoongi hyung from Jin Hyung on his 25th birthday. Everything in here is bought by him. We used to stay here sometimes....",said Hoseok.
"This is my hideout...",said Yoongi.
"Hey, the letter is found in Ansan. Hyung was found in Ansan. Can A7 be Ansan?",asked Jimin.
"But Ansan had 5 letters...",said Polo.
"Yes but when we write I'll meet you, the place name, we use the word that describes wether the place is a city or district, village, township. Ansan is a city. If we write it the way Koreans do...",said Jimin.
"It'll be Ansan-si. 7 alphabets...",said Jungkook.
"So, Meet You Soon At Ansan-si. Then these?",asked Alpine, pointing at the rest.
"Address, can it be?", suggested Jungkook.
"Address.... Then...",said Hoseok.
"2B27...",said Polo
"Here the first '2' and last '7' mean numbers because they're against the pattern. B2 is the word..."
"2 by 7?",asked Aries.
"If 2/7 is the block number, then the 7th block should be, Garden Street?",said Yoongi.
"But Garden Street is a residential area.",said Hoseok.
"Namjoon, search 2/7 Garden Street...",ordered Aries.
"Garden has 6 alphabet, so does street.",said Jungkook.
"Meet You Soon At Ansan-si,2/7 Garden Street.", recited Alpine, the full.
"Yeah, this is Garden Street,2/7. That's a large building....",said Namjoon, showing the location.
"But isn't street 2, abandoned?",asked Polo.
"Indeed it is. The place is empty. And 2/7 block is a large building.",said Namjoon.
"Search who owns or owned the building.",said Alpine.
"Okay...",said Namjoon, clicking the keys of his laptop in light speed
"Here, the owner info...",said Namjoon.

| Owner ID
|Name: Min Yoonseok.
|Name: Choi Dami(Former)
|Age: 65
|Usage History: Not in use for 20 
|                               years.

"What? Min Yoonseok is the owner?",said Yoongi in surprise.
"Who's Choi Dami?",asked Alpine.
"Y/n's mother.",said Namjoon.
"Hmm?",said Aries.
"She is Former Star Enterprise Ceo's Wife."
"And Min Yoonseok....",said Jimin.
"Is my Appa. I can't believe he had a property...",said Yoongi.
"And Trish is there now. Sorry, Y/n is there now...",said Alpine.
"But how do you know....",asked Jimin.
"They took her, indeed they did but they forgot taking Y/n's necklace off.",said Alpine, smirking at Aries who had the same smirk on her face.
"What's with that heart?",asked Polo.
"In 7th grade, we gifted her that on her birthday..",said Aries.
"But in 12th, we had to present a device we were to make for the science exhibition.",said Alpine.
"We inserted a thin data chip inside and clad it with the metal heart pieces. So, on pressing the stone...",said Alpine, showing them the stone on her piece, the cyan stone.
"It's a button. We can transfer any data to the other piece or device from any distance....",said Aries.
"And she sent us signals. She sent us her location....",said Alpine.
"Does this mean all this while you two could contact her with no one knowing yet you two proceeded on solving the riddle?!",said Jimin.
"I'm annoyed with you Al...",said Jungkook.
"Stop, we couldn't have got any replies. How would we know the necklace is with her?", protested Aries.
"Okay, Okay... Stop this... We have go get them afterall...",said Hoseok.
"We need weapons...",said Polo.
"I have a couple of shotguns and revolvers at his place...",said Aries.
"Now we're going to travel another 80 minutes in the middle of the night to get those?!",said Jimin, frustration suffocating him.
"We brought them already...",said Namjoon and Aries in synchronisation.
"Great then... Let's head there...",said Alpine.
"And that man?",asked Hoseok, looking towards the kitchen.
"Sprinkle more salt on him. His punishment...",said Aries.


All of the 8 got up....
A war of truth and lie was soon to happen.
A war that was to happen and was dormant all this while.
A war that waited alone....

(End of Narrator's POV)

(Unknown POV)

"Meet You Soon At Ansan-si 2/7 Garden Street................."

(End of Unknown POV)


Hey guys....

Yep, I'm reaching the end...

2-3 more chapters with the epilogue and
Thank you note...


Our yet another Journey would be finished.....

And Eid Mubarak to my muslim Fam..

Stay tuned...

Hero Jin to enter soon...

Waiting Alone...✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora