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Chapter 14

After finishing your food the three of you rushed back to the school without Gojo noticing and separated going to your separate rooms. After going into your room you text Gojo saying you were back and he texts back saying he left to go on a mission and he'll be back soon. You replied with an ok and looked out your window at the beautiful trees that had flowers blooming.

After a few hours Gojo comes and picks you up taking you home when you get a text from an unknown number.



You looked at it then hesitated to text back but eventually did.

Hey. Who is this-

-It's Fushiguro
-sorry I didn't start off with that.
-didn't mean to startle you

You smiled at the text relishing he must have remembered your number from texting Gojo earlier.

Oh hi Megumi-
I hope it's on for me to call you that-

-no it's okay I don't mind at all.
-I was just texting to see if you were coming to school tomorrow

oh. I don't know-
it's really up to Gojo since he's
the one who brings me-

-Oh ok good to know.
-I was just wondering
-if you'd wanna hang out a little during or after lunch and class tomorrow

You blushes at the text leaving him on read for a minute then you quickly texted after thinking about what he could mean.

with Nobara and Itadori?-

-Nobara is going out with
some other students and Itadori will too.
-it would be just us two

Your heart started to race a bit not knowing how to reply

Yeah sure I don't mind-

-see you in class?
-if of course Gojo brings you.

See you then Megumi-

After texting him your stomach was full of butterflies while you read the text over and over till you got home. Once you got ready for bed you couldn't wait for tomorrow and to see Megumi again.

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