Just date already >:(

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(Kaede's POV)

I watched as the two talked. 'Damn it! They are both oblivious! They both obviously like each other!' I sighed at looked at my girlfriend. "Maki, we *have* to get them together somehow! They both are too stupid too realize it.!" Maki sighed. "I agree but I think you're too passionate about this."

I puffed my cheeks. "Yeah but if we don't do something they'll never realize they like each other!" My girlfriend looked like she was about to facepalm. "You know what, fine. What's your plan?" She said and immediately regretted it.

"Okay so,,,,,"

(Shuichi's POV)

I was listening to some of my favorite songs before I heard my phone ring. "Hello?" I said into the headphones microphone. "Hey Shuichi! Me and Maki are gonna go out to eat and I wanted to know if you wanted to come?" I thought for a second. "Is Maki okay with me coming?"

I heard some whispering on the other line for a second. "She says she doesn't mind, but you can't just dress up in a sweater and jeans you have to wear something decent."
I sighed. "Fine, I'll go." "Yay! Be ready by 5." Kaede said before she hung up

I checked the time 3:47, yeah I have time to get dressed. I looked through my closet to try to find something decent enough and realized almost my entire closet is sweaters. After a long time of searching I finally found something decent. I checked the time, 4:21, I have time to get there.

I walked over to my cats food bowl and gave her some food. "You're a pretty girl, Ghost." She is an all white fluffy cat with these beautiful blues eyes, my sister named her when we lived together. I slipped my shoes on and headed out the door.


(Kaito's POV)

I sat at the table waiting for Kaede and Maki to get there. They seem to be taking their time, they're probably doing lady stuff (not derogatory). After a few minutes of waiting they finally showed up along with....Shuichi?
"It turns out me and Maki have something to do so we brought you guys here instead okay buy!"  Kaede says as her and Maki quickly walk away.

"So I guess it's just us" I said very awkwardly, it's not like I don't like being around Shuichi but  I think I have a crush on him but there's no way that's normal, at least that's what I've been taught.

"Uh, yeah I guess so." He sat down as the waitress came to take our orders for our drinks, he ordered a Dr.Pepper and I got a Coke. We didn't really talk much until our drinks came, it was mainly just small talk.

I decided to play around because there isn't much happening, I unwrap my straw just enough for the wrapping to be at the end and I blew it at him which caught him off guard. "Wh- what was that for?!" He said, he wasn't mad just more shocked.

I watched as he tried to unwrap his straw the right way but failed miserably. "How do you do that??" He stared down at his destroyed straw paper. "I'll show you" I grabbed a straw and leaned across the table as I started showing him how to rip the paper in the right way.

After a few failed attempts he finally got it right. "See that's how you do-" I was cut off by him blowing it in my face, he was laughing the hardest I've ever seen him laugh.

(No ones's POV)

After a long day of laughing and getting kicked out the restaurant,  they considered the date a success

A/N: sorry this is trash and short I just wanted to get a chapter out I haven't been in the hottest place mentally but I'm gonna try to upload more.

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