Cook-off Part 2

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"Ten minutes! Ten minutes!" Poppy yelled, and aimed her megaphone at Branch's face. 

"I CANT WAIT TIL I GET TO EAT ALL THE YUMMY FOOD!!!" She said, but the megaphone made it sound like a scream.

"D'oh!" Branch fell.

"OH! ARE YOU OK BRANCH?" Poppy asked.

"Could you turn off that megaphone?" He asked.

"WHOOPSI-DAISY! LET ME JUST GET THat." Poppy turned the megaphone off. 

"Thanks." Branch said, getting back on his chair.

Holly stirred her batter and stuck her finger in, and her eyes turned into stars 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


"Might want to get it in the oven then!" Branch called, who was sitting with his crossed feet on the desk.


 Holly looked over to the clock. "AHHHH! Y'ALL! I BETTER GET THIS IN THE OVEN Y'ALL!" She screamed.

Guy Diamond looked at the clock. "Ahh! Tiny! Glitter!" He said, pointing to the cake. "Prepare to be glitter cake!" He said, and aimed his butt at it. 🍑

R pulled the cupcakes out of the wormhole. 

"Oh no B! Come see the disaster!" R cried out. 

B ran over. 

"Not amaze bon-bonkers!" She said.

The cupcakes were burnt and had frosting all over the place.

"We let them cook to long!" R and B cried.

Val laughed to herself at their misfortune. "Yeah, you should really just go with the F.L.O.W, it saves so much hassle." She chuckled.

Laguna pulled a huge cake that had blue stripes and edible coral pieces sticking out.

"Ok Synth, hand me the frosting now," Laguna said, holding out her hand, expecting to feel a huge bowl, but nothing happened. "Synth?" 

She turned around and couldn't believe her eyes.

Synth was eating all the frosting!

"Synth no!" Laguna took the bowl out of his hands.

"Aw dangit." He said, and stomped his flipper.

"Well, hopefully... Poppy and Branch will like frosting that's been licked."

 Synth laughed nervously.

"Heh heh, opps? 😁" he smiled.

"Oven!" Chenille said. "FREEZER!" Satin screamed. 

Both girls were covered in their own food and looked around. "Uh-oh." They said in unison.

"Frosting! Oh frosting!" Minuet called. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" She called.

Poppy looked at Branch and they both had the same face.

"I don't think this will end sweet." Poppy said.

"No kidding." Branch said.

"Yeah it's gonna fall apart!" Synth said.

Poppy and Branch looked at him. 

"Aren't you supposed to be baking?" Branch asked.

"Oh yeah." He said, remembering and walked back.

"Talk about ruining the moment." Poppy laughed.

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