Cook-Off Part 4

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Minuet flew up with smashed cupcake pieces everywhere.

"My classic vanilla cupcakes." Minuet said.

Poppy picked up a piece from the plate and Branch did the same.

They both ate it.

Poppy gagged and tried to speak."Wow, Minuet. *🤢* this is.."

"Awful. Just awful." Branch said.

"Ah, I see." Minuet said.

"Next!" Poppy said.

R and B came forward with their burnt cupcakes.

"It isn't perfect," B started

"But we had," R added.

"Fun making it!" They vocalized.

Poppy picked up a cupcake and licked it.

"Well, it's not totally burnt." Poppy said.

"Are you kidding? It-" Branch started and Poppy slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Good work R and B! Next!" Poppy yelled.

Satin and Chenille walked up, covered in their own food.

"Just wipe it off of us and taste!" Satin posed.

"No." Branch said.

"Next!" Poppy yelled.

Holly walked up with a lemon cake with Tiny's hair sticking out.

"Holly! Wha- what happened to your cake?" Poppy asked.

"I tripped into Tiny." Holly shrugged and plopped her cake down and it squished. 

"Enjoy!" She said with a hopeful smile.

Poppy looked at Branch and he shook his head.

"It looks great Holly! In fact, it looks too good to eat!" Branch smiled.

"But I made it myself!🥺" Holly said with sad eyes.

Poppy sighed and cut her and Branch pieces.

She took a bite and gagged. 

"Tiny skipped his shower." Poppy muttered.

Branch took a bite.

"Mm! Mm mm mm!" He faked, pounding his fist against the table.

"Good cake." He gagged.

Holly smiled. 'Maybe I did better than I thought !" She thought to herself.

"Next!" Poppy yelled.

"Blagh!!!" Branch puked.

"And I'm gonna go get a bucket for Branch." Poppy said.

After Poppy got the bucket, Guy Diamond came up with a pile of glitter.

Branch eyed it.

"Is that edible?" Poppy asked.

"Oh I don't know." Guy shrugged.

Poppy waved her hands away.

"As much as trolls love glitter, we can't eat it if it's toxic." Branch said.

"Hate to say it, but Branch is right." Poppy said.

"Hey!" Branch said.

"Ok!" Guy said walking away.

Val walked up with a pile of dirt.

"Going with the F.L.O.W didn't work with you?" Branch asked.

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