The only cure Part 3

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Poppy mashed her head into the pillow and Branch came in with a glass of water.

"Here. Trollex looked it up. If you gargle this is should work." Branch said sitting down next to her.

Poppy took a sip and gargled it. 

"Hey it wor-HIC. Never mind. HIC." Poppy sighed.


"Hold your breath and swallow three times." Branch read in a scrapbook on hiccup cures.

Poppy took a deep breath and swallowed air three times, and then she let it go.

"Nope. HIC." Poppy said.

Branch chucked the book across the room in anger.


"Eat a teaspoon of sugar." Val read. She pulled out a teaspoon of a something.

"Val? HIC. Are you sure thats sugar?" Poppy asked.

"Nah. Here ya go!" Val gave Poppy the spoon.

She put it in her mouth, and immediately spit it out.

"Pleh! VAL THATS NOT SUGAR! ITS SALT! I CANT BELIEVE YOU-wait a second I'm not hiccuping!" Poppy cheered.

"Told ya." Val said

The end (of this book but not trolls)

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