The only cure Part 1

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Poppy woke up and fluffed her hair.

"Hello gorgeous let's check out how we- HICCUP!" Poppy clapped her hand over her mouth.

"Oh-no! Not again! HICCUP!" Poppy groaned.

Later in TrollsTopia 

"So, then I was like, oh no she didn't!" Val said the Branch.

"Uh-huh." He said.

"And Pop-Squeak has some serious happiness issues." Val said.

"You get used to it." Branch said.

Poppy walked over.

"Oh hi Pop-Squeak! We were just talking about you!" Val said.

Poppy smiled, but just as she was going to talk, "HICCUP!" She hiccuped.

"0o0!" Val got huge eyes.

"Uh-oh Pop-Squeak, cursed with hiccups. I would not want to be you right now." Val said, shaking her head.

"What? Pff, I'm not cursed! Extremely annoyed, but I'm sure they'll just go away!" Poppy shrugged.

"Ya sure? Hiccups are really annoying. That's one of the perks of living in a big hole. You can vent out as much frustration as you want and no one will judge you." Branch said.

"Nope! Hiccups are just something to do with breathing! If I just breath, it'll go away!" Poppy said.

"Mmmhmm, ok." Val said.


Poppy went over to host a funeral for DJ's felt tip pen.

"Trolls, we gather here to-HICCUP! day for the parting of Mr. HICCUP! felter. A good-HICCUP! friend, and an even better-HICCUP!" DJ glared at her.

"Is this some kind of joke to you?" She asked.

"Heh heh, 😁" Poppy smiled innocently.

Even more Later

Poppy walked over to help with a birthday party.

"Happy-HICCUP! birthday dear-HICCUP! Aw gosh dangit!" Poppy said and Keith gave her a funny look.

Meanwhile with Val and Branch

"I think we should help Poppy get rid of her hiccups." Branch said.

"No way. She'll learn." Val said.

"No she won't." Branch said.

"Fine, but how do we fix it? It's not like we could do every cure there is until her annoying hiccups are gone." Val shrugged and a lightbulb appeared over Branch's head.

"Val that's it! We'll try every cure and see which one solves it!" He smiled.

"Me and my big mouth." Val pouted.

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