Bodyguards (I)

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The elf frowned in concern as she tried to slowly walk away. The lynx was watching them, as she was ready to jump on them. Meanwhile, the albino goshawk hovered over the area, as she was ready to take action at any moment.

"Whatever it's, it hides well. It may be an exotic beast," deduced one of them.

"Let's capture it, dead or alive. Maybe it will make the Lord happy, and we'll finally get out of here," suggested the other.

"Good idea. It's worth a try."

One of them launched a sphere that contained a spell called Ice Blast. Its level wasn't very high, less than 40, so the damage was limited, but it served them to fulfill their goal.

Any being nearby would be affected, and it would do little more than tickle to them. In fact, it didn't even pierce Cyclonic Barrier's defense, but it exposed them. It surprised the bodyguards, especially one of them.

"It can't be. Is it really you? Ha, ha. Lady luck smiles upon us, you are destined for the prince. Take her. The prince wants her," he explained.

The other two looked at him for a moment, the time which took them to piece things together and face her. They had heard of the elf the prince had fancied.

"Be obedient and come with us. We don't want to hurt you," one of them threatened.

Just then, one of them tried to approach her from behind, so intending to knock her out by surprise. He was level 60, 10 above the elf, but still Tangle stopped him. Nature-related skills were stronger after saving the dryad, though not enough to make up the difference. He would soon break free.

Another one, at level 58, was advancing on the opposite side, while the one who had spoken, at 56, was advancing from the front. They smiled maliciously, ready to capture her. They both rushed towards her at the same time, to meet two Twisters.

It is true that, under normal circumstances, these spells would only help her to buy a little time. However, they were in the Valley of the Wind, where the magic of said element is especially blessed.

Even Goldmi was surprised when the Twisters grew twice their usual size, while their power had multiplied. They engulfed her enemies.

Meanwhile, the lynx was attacking the warrior trapped by Tangle, without using fire, to avoid burning the plants that were holding him. He was desperately trying to free his axe, while using a skill to strengthen his body and armor. It prevented him from being Shredded.

It was when he finally managed to free the hand that held the weapon that he sighed in relief. It was taking a lot of energy to maintain his defense while trying to break free. Despite the difference in level, the roots were strong and numerous.

He raised the axe to attack those roots, when a strong Collide hit his hand, along with the power of the wind that enveloped the attacker. Surprised by the strong attack of the goshawk, which had taken advantage of an opening in his defense, he couldn't avoid dropping the axe. It was grabbed by the lynx with her mouth, and hidden far from there.

Furious, he began to stretch the plants with his strong muscles, and desired to do the same with the bird and the feline. He was about to get one foot free when a Wind Arrow hit his arm, as he reacted in time to protect his face.

Despite his defenses and the difference in level, the arrow's power had been increased by the Valley of the Wind, so it managed to pierce him, though not very deeply.

After seeing that it was effective, three others followed, and others, and others. The warrior was protecting himself with both arms, while clenching his teeth in pain. He was unable to understand how someone with much less power could be cornering him.

Suddenly, from behind, some claws attacked him, for the lynx had returned after hiding the axe. The power wasn't amplified, so the damage was reduced due to the difference in level and armor, but he couldn't afford to be attacked like that either. Little by little, the claws were penetrating his defenses.

He tried to counterattack with his free leg, with Kick, while he was protecting himself from the arrows, but an unexpected attack to the head interrupted him. Due to the power of the amplified wind that was enveloping the bird, the Collide's damage was considerable.

"Look at my attack. You should learn from it," the goshawk mocked the lynx.

"Come closer, and I'll show you how I do it," she growled.

Meanwhile, the level 58 warrior had managed to get out of his prison. His body was full of cuts, despite which he moved fast. The Twister wasn't as slow as usual, and he didn't want to be trapped inside again. Furious and in pain, he Lunged at the elf. He was willing to kill her if he had to. The warrior had already forgotten that his boss wanted her alive.

He drove the spear into the body that was hiding in the shadows of a tree, but realized too late that what the shadows hid was nothing more than a plant Clone. Also, there was an amplified Wind Abyss right under the bait.

When the level 56 warrior also made it out, he was much more badly injured than his partner. He sighed in relief, but his joy was short-lived. The elf had brought the other Twister towards him, so he found himself trapped between two. All he could do was scream in agony.

The screams of his partner dismayed the level 60 bodyguard, as he could never have imagined that one of them would perish there. He mustered his strength to break the last of the roots, and ran towards the archer, while making sure to dodge any other roots that might arise.

His body was pierced, ripped, and beaten, but he still held most of his strength. He wasn't fooled by another Clone, but instead followed the path of the arrows. In the forest, it was impossible to use Curved Shot more than partially, so he headed almost straight for his enemy.

Three arrows dug to create a Wind Trap, which trapped him. However, despite the fact that the wind magic was amplified in that place, the difference in level was too much for a trap whose power was inferior to the Abyss one. So, it didn't take more than a few seconds to free himself, and he headed once more towards the elf, even more furious.

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