Chapter 2: The Adventure Begins!

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The next day

As the sun rises and the birds are chirping cheerfully, Ren woke up as well as Pikachu.

Ren - Good morning Pikachu. He greeted to him.

Pikachu - Good morning as well, Ren. What a bright sunny day, isn't it?

Ren - Yeah. This is the perfect time to start our adventure.

Pikachu went on Ren's shoulder as he fixed the bed, stretches his arms and legs a bit to feel wide awake.

Ren went downstairs as he saw his mother, cooking their breakfast and his father, reading a newspaper.

Alexa - Good morning, dear. How was your sleep?

Ren - Good morning, mom. It's been great and all. *he gaze at his father* Morning, father.

Blade - Oh, good morning, my son.

Ren then sat on the chair, opposite to his father.

After 20 minutes, breakfast is ready and Alexa has recently finished cooking.

Alexa - Breakfast is served. I made pancake with chocolate syrup on top.

Ren - Ooooh. Nice. And that aroma...... It's so good.

Ren sat down opposite to his parents and began to eat the pancake.

Ren - This is so good! Thanks, mother. Your the best! He said happily.

Alexa - Everything for you, my dear Haru-kun.

After eating, Ren's mother picked up the plate with fork on it and began to wash it on the sink.

Ren grabbed his backpack and bid a farewell to his parents.

Ren - Mom! Dad! I'm heading out! I promise I'll fulfill the prophecy!

Blade - Good luck on your journey, my son. Go and be the strongest.

Ren - I will! Thanks Dad!

With that, Ren heads out on his home and proceed to his adventure.

While walking across the street, Ren heard a noise coming from the sky and it turns out it is raining.

Ren - Oh man! Really? A rain? Well, I gotta find a place where we can stay there.

Pikachu - You are right.

Ren began to ran on North direction.

While running for 2 minutes, he saw a cave. A deep cave.

Ren - There is a cave there. Should we go in?

Pikachu - Yes and we will wait until the rain is over.

Ren - Good idea.

Ren ran to his left and he reached the cave.

Ren - Man! It's raining cats and dogs out there huh?

Pikachu - Yeah. I know.

Ren - *as he notice the cave is deep* Say, why don't we explore this cave for a bit until the rain stops. What do you say, Pikachu?

Pikachu - Yeah. Let's go.

Ren walk inside on the cave. While exploring, he heard a roar.

Ren - Wait, did you hear that?

Pikachu - Yeah. And it sounds so menacing. I'm getting scared, Ren.

Ren then created a white sphere of light on his right hand. When he turned around, he saw a female giant bird, looking at him directly from his eyes.

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