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I've lost all track of time. It's been a week... or two. Oh, wait, a day. The minutes feel like weeks... the hours feel like months... I feel so useless. And what's worse, I'm bored out of my mind. 


This bed is so uncomfortable! My bed is much cozier than this... this... hospital bed.


The pain is unbearable. Of course, it doesn't hurt as much as yesterday, but boy, am I out of shape. What came over Lloyd to attack me, I didn't know then. Until Sensei Wu explained it. I don't know how Sensei knows everything... probably in his DNA or something.

But anyway, Sensei told us that Lloyd was still half-asleep and in some kind of trance. He was stuck in the time frame of long ago, before any of us ninja reached our full potential (boy, were we pathetic back then). He thought he was still a kid... a kid set to walk in the footsteps of his father, Lord Garmadon. That's when Lloyd hated the ninja, and when he was desperate for revenge on us.

Why he kept demanding that we killed his father? Well, that was a long time ago. Back when Sensei Garmadon was still the 'evil overlord' with four arms and reptile-like body. When Garmadon tried to take the four elemental weapons, we found them first and somewhat banished him to the Underworld. At the time, Lloyd must've been furious that his father was gone, and so explains why he was yesterday. He didn't recognize Garmadon in human form. That also explains why Lloyd kept calling Sensei 'Uncle' instead of... well... Sensei.

Sensei Wu filled Zane and Pixal in on what had happened. Everyone is confused and wary around Lloyd now, even though he's still unconscious. No one knew what had happened when he fell to the ground yesterday. His strength was probably just drained. Drained from attacking everyone... including me.

When Lloyd first showed up in my room, I was overjoyed to see him. He was awake, alive, and walking on his own for that matter. I don't know how I didn't realize how angry he was at me—at all of us. Before I knew it, I was wounded. Wounded by the blade of a sword a friend held. A friend I've known since he was a kid.

Never before had I felt so betrayed. I was confused and even a bit frightened. I knew how much power Lloyd held in his veins, but I never expected him to turn against me. I had felt myself become weaker and weaker with every blow he shot at me. Don't get me wrong, I could've defended myself just fine, but it was the element of surprise that weakened me.

I didn't know what was happening. I didn't want to hurt Lloyd. He's my friend. Or at least— was my friend. I don't know whose side he's on anymore. Yes, I know he was in a trance and he didn't know what he was doing, but I just don't feel safe anymore. All I was thinking at the moment was that after so much doubt, Lloyd was alive after all—my brother was alive.

I let my guard down. I didn't expect such a turn in his actions. He wounded me while I was still soaking in the relief of him being alive. Not to mention in one of my weakest spots.

That injury weakened me in the rest of his attack. I was bewildered, betrayed, and in pain. I don't know what would have happened to me if Nya and the senseis didn't show up when they did. Lloyd was ready to kill me... and he definitely would have.

Never before have I felt so much pain. Yes, I've been punched, kicked; I've crashed into walls and fallen from rough heights, but never sliced in the stomach. Not only that—but emotional pain. My heart nearly tore in two as I watched our little green friend swing merciless swipes at me and the others.

I don't think I'll ever be able to trust anyone again—especially Lloyd. I'll never let my guard down again. I'll be ready to defend myself from any kind of foe... even if that foe used to be a friend.

Darkness from Within #2: Tension Rising (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now