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Percy's second year went by smoothly it was the summer that went wrong. The time he was supposed to spend with Harry turned into a mess all because of his fathers side.

Turns out he was a demigod, a son off Poseidon. Percy wasn't even supposed to be born. He spent his summer battling Furies, Medusa and the God Ares. Luke betrayed them

Grover a satyr became his best friend soon and Annabeth daughter of Athena, a pretty girl also became his best friend. He all also made a demigod frenemy Clarisse. He met the Stoles twins who were a demigod version of Weasley twins.

Percy also good blessed by Hecate, she saw potential in him. She also used the mist to make it look like Remus was not kidnapped but instead with Harry. But for Harry even if Remus was with him Percy was in New York and without him, Harrys summer was very lonely

When Percy came back he and Remus decided that they would not tell Harry about him being a demigod. They would maybe after the war with Kronos.. . They didn't know.

Percy would be back in England on the first day of his third year. It would be harrys first year. He wondered how that would go. His brother was the Boy who lived. His brother had defeated Voldemort.

Also how was he going to tell his friends that his brother was the famous Harry Potter ?

Word count -241

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