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Rest of the summer went by in both the brothers settling at there new house and Percy learning more about his heritage and soon before they knew it, it was time for him to go to Hogwarts. Remus decided that it was not safe for Percy to use Potter as his last name so they decided on using Jackson

Percy boarded the train and started searching for an empty cabin. He found one at the end of the train and settled in. After a while two boys with fiery, red hair knocked on the compartment door. One asked,' Hi, I am Fred Weasley and this is my twin George. Can we sit here, everywhere else is full.'

"oh ya sure. By the way I am Percy Jackson."

"Cool, our brothers name is Percy too."

"Is it short for Perseus."

"No but it sounds cool"

The three continues talking and even made another friend named Lee Jordan.

Time skips, now they are outside  the Great Hall with Prof. McGonagall

Waiting behind the doors of the Great Hall the first year students whispered anxiously to each other. Professor McGonagall instructed the children on what they were to do. Before leaving she gave a small smile to Percy. Classes haven't even started and he was teacher's pet.

McGonagall called the name Perseus Jackson the boy walked casually to the stool before suiting down. Once the hat was placed on his head it spoke.

"It's been a while since I sorted one of you kind. Oh but you don't know yet? Anyway, you would do good in all houses, you're quite cunning, but you're also extremely loyal, perfect memory but what I'm most impressed about is that you tried your best to keep your brother safe. You had a hard life but you still kept going."

The Great Hall waited in anticipation for the boy to be placed. Suddenly the hat bellowed out "Gryffindor!"

Students from the red bannered house erupted in applause. Percy sat at his new house table smiling. Soon after Lee, Fred and George joined him at the table. 

"We all made into the best house!" exclaimed Fred. 

Word count- 384


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Mischief Managed 

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