113 7 0

Double potions with Slytherins after lunch. Apparently the teacher Prof. Snape was biased and hated all Gryffindors. The first years were all walking down the path to the dungeons.

'But you are the best. You've already scored 115 points for us and its been what like half a day.', Lee exclaimed.

"Yeah and the twins promptly went and made us lose the points"

The two boys grinned and said.' Sorry Perce, we'll be on our  best behavior in this class.'

Sitting down at their seats they waited for class to begin.

Severus Snape slowly walked into class watching each of the students. Oh great, he thought, another two Weasleys. During lunch the teachers table was buzzing about an amazing new student named Percy Jackson, mastering all his spells on the first try. So Snape decided to see if he was just as good as potions.

"Good afternoon class, I am Professor Snape, Hogwarts Potion Master. I want to see how well you all can make potions from following instructions so today you all shall be brewing a growth serum for plants. Turn to page 162 and begin, you have 40 minutes. Then we shall test them."

Students started scrambling around trying to find the correct page. They obviously didn't think they would just jump right into a lesson without knowing anything.

Percy was already by the ingredients shelf collecting everything he needed to start. He didn't even glance at the paper he just sorta knew what to do. 

Snape watched in wonder as Percy threw the ingredients into the cauldron not even looking at the book. He also realised that he wasn't following the recipe from the book, actually he was doing the recipe Snape had made long ago.

Twenty minutes into the class Percy raised his hand to signal the teacher over. Snape kept a poker face as he looked at the liquid which was the perfect shade of green. 

"Have you made this potion before Mr. Jackson"

'Actually I haven't. This is the first time I am brewing a potion.' , He replied

"I am impressed. 20 points to Gryffindor."

Percy smiled at the professor. The other students were in shock . Snape complementing a student a Gryffindor to be exact

Percy's first day of school was the best. He managed to do all the spells correctly. He knew every answer to every question and he had the least amount of homework.

Sitting in the house common room he had finally finished his herbology homework that was due next week. Putting down his quill he slouched deeper into the couch.

"Percccyyy!" Fred whined "Can you please help us with the homework?"

"You have to learn Fred. I'll check your homework once your done. Deal?"


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