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Percy reached the gargoyle that led to Prof. Dumbledore's office. He felt like a dumb person or as in annabeth's way a seaweed brain when it asked for a password.

He started mumbling random words.

Hocus pocus

Acid pops

Cherry coke

At this the gargoyle  almost moved

Uhm Blue Cherry Coke

The gargoyle moved. Dumbledore had a good taste in drinks.

He reached Dumbledore's office

'Yes Mr. Potter, How can I help you? ', Dumbledore said

"Professor what do you know about the greak gods. "

'Son of Hecate. ', he replied

Percy just nodded.

"And uh Mr. Potter with the permission of your father I entered good vault and bought this. "

He passed Percy a bag full of drachmae.
"So that you can contact your demigod friends. "


Short chapter ik... Am not at home at present.. So will not be able to update for 2 days from tomorrow.

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