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Kong's POV

Here I am standing looking at P'Oon who is as he is playing with our little princess after bathing her while I was holding our little prince who is now a competition to my neice who always wants my attention

Yup.. You heard it right.. it is a month since they came into this world.. and have successfully got everyone of us smitten with their little hands.. big doe eyes.. dimpled smile and soft giggles. After that eventful day in front of media while P'Oon dealt with Khofang and Khun Benjamin.. so one have ever messed with any of us.. 

Now.. people fear the wrath of Rojnapath's more than that of ours especially P'Oon's. I still remember how painful was it was while I was about to give birth..! I still remember how helpless and worried P'Oon looked. After giving birth.. we bearers would normally get exhausted and sleep for a day or two.

When I woke up.. I was soon soaked with tears from P'Oon's eyes. At first I was worried that something went wrong with our babies.. I tried composing myself and making me strong to face things he would tell. When I asked him what happened.. he said he missed and was scared as I did not wake up.. You know how I felt.. happy and angry at the same time.. but with all the energy I got.. I could just glare at him. When I told him what I thought.. he just hugged me and said that our prince and princess were really cute.. and healthy.

About my little neice and nephews.. they started saying some words and taking a few steps.. it would always be fun to be around with all kids at one place.. so we make sure to gather once in a week or so in the evening. I was pulled out of my thought when I heard for P calling me.

"Mee Noi.. come here.. what are you thinking about..?" He said looking at me. I just shook my head and went towards him. I laid down our prince beside the princess.. Oh.. by the way.. my son's name who is elder is Aysel while my daughter's name is Daw. 

Aysel is more attached to me while Daw is good with everyone and hence became the little star of our family. Even my little neice and nephew's also like her.. even though they are about one year old.. they like to sit around with Daw. 

"Nothing P.. just the time I woke up after giving birth and some moments.. I was lost looking at you playing with our daughter." I replied. We saw the babies drifting into sleep. Both of us kissed their forehead and laid them down in their cradle. 

P'Oon hugged me from behind as we looked at them with a smile never leaving our faces.. There was nothing more I want other than having my family with me all the time. I turned around and hugged P'Oon as I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you sweetheart.. I love you.." He whispered into my ears.
"I love you too Oon.. I love you and thank you for everything." I whispered back. The moment our eyes met we leaned in for a kiss. It was a simple kiss full of love and longing.. I felt him smile into the kiss.
"I missed this taste for a long time.." He said as he broke the kiss.

An Year Later:

And year after our babies were born and after my graduation which P'Oon made it a grand event we decided to merge the companies which in the common sectors.. which will be handled by me and P'Oon while the other sectors from both the companies would be handled by P'Kiet, P'Aran and P'Gun. P'Lina and P'Tina want to dedicate more time with the children.

Our elders have retired from their works and are enjoying their time with their grandchildren. The already fear they had for messing with my family increased when they saw the way P'Oon reacted. Now they fear him more but also respect him for his works. I and P'Oon managed to publish our name even in the gaming sector and also fashion designing with Prae, May and Maprang.

Seeing our dynamics we  both were named as the royal couple. And seeing our family bonds.. no one has even looked at us with a single wrong idea.

As we laid down on the bed.. I felt content with my life.. All our friends are well settled and happy.. P'Tutah was still in search of partner. Actually P'Knot and Tew have some how worked things between them as they have decided to give their bond a chance.

I drifted into sleep while listening to the heart beats of P'Oon with a smile which formed on my face as he pulled me closer to him.

Arthit's POV

Other than asking God for letting everyone be happy like how we are now.. there is nothing more I need.. I have my angels.. my Mee Noi.. my parents.. friends and my extended family. 

I pulled Kong closer to me as we laid down on the bed. I could not help but think how things changed after I dealt with Khun Benjamin and Khofang.. no one in the business world has even let a thought of messing up with us idea. I am glad to put away the greedy, cunning people and snakes away from my family.

The rest of my life may or may not be smooth but I am happy that I have everyone with me especially Kong and our angels for whom I would do anything. I don't know what the life has for us.. but I will cherish every moment till the end. I love my Mee Noi and our angels and I know that Kong is also the same. I drifted into my sleep with a happiness filled in heart to face the world again tomorrow along with my special people. I would cherish every second of my life with them and will not exchange these for anything in the world.

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