Chapter 03

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Kong's POV

After speaking to P'Arthit.. I and my friends sat down to have lunch. I sat between Em and Wad while Tew and Oak were opposite to my.

"Kong.. do you like P'Arthit.?" Tew asked suddenly.. I chocked what I was eating.
"Where did that come from Tew.?" I asked as I drank water.
"I don't know.. first tell me." He said.
"I am not sure to which extent I like him.. but he is the only person I crushed on since my early schooling.. after he started his university.. we could rarely meet.. but that did not make me loose the crush on him. But since last year.. I did not care about any feelings.. All I could think and do was to learn about business, economics, coding, hacking and other which would help me handle the company. So If you ask me now.. I guess.. I better leave it as crush.. I don't recognize him any more." I replied.. but I could feel my heart getting heavy.

"Kong what if P'Arthit courts you.?" This time it was Wad. I could not help but laugh at it.
"Wad.. Have you seen him.. the way he is talking to me.. do you really think it would happen." I said.
"Mm.. Kong.. I kind of have a feeling since many years that he loves you.. I mean he only allowed you to call him Oon other than his parents.. not even me or your sisters or your parents.. also.. the way he reacted yesterday is normally how he is.. he is only calm and listens to you and he is like that only with you.. I have observed it over years." Em said. I saw the others nodding. Is he in love with me..? Does he love me.. I was thinking but yesterday's incident played back in my mind.

"Em, Wad, Tew and Oak.. I don't know what his feelings are.. I don't want to hope or even think of it.. and frankly speaking.. I am not ready for the relation.. I feel like he is some stranger to me whom I know but don't know at the same time." I said looking down.

"It is okay Kong.. but if you love him.. give it a chance for sure." Wad said while patting my shoulder.
"Yes.. and we are all with you if there will be any problem." Tew said. I smiled. We ate our lunch and made way to our class. I glanced at P'Arthit once.. and he was already looking at me with guilty eyes. 

All the class.. I was listening.. but I could not help but think of my feeling for P'Arthit. He has always been the person who made me feel safe other than my family.. his smile especially when he shows his dimples.. the spark in his eyes when he talks with me.. his hug and the way he cared for me.. Always made me feel shy, butterflies and happy. 

Only he is capable to make my heart skip a beat. He is the one I have always looked forward for.. he is the one I always want to meet and talk with other than my family, P'Gun or Em. Now the question is Am I in Love...? The answer which I realized made me smile. Yes.. I have been in Love with my P'Oon.. it is not a crush. But with this new angle.. I am not very sure. Is it because of hazing.? Or has he changed. I wondered.

But whatever it is.. I will decide when he has the same feelings. But as for now.. I am going to enjoy my time with my new friends and obviously stealing some glances.. Also I will observe this new angle.. I want to know him more.. but I won't let him know about my feelings yet.

After classes.. We went to our dorms to freshen up. My sisters are going to be at the restaurant near our college in another 30minutes. We all got ready and went there together.. 

My sisters arrived a few minutes later. I introduced them to eachother. I sat between my sisters. They kept on feeding me. I was literally unexpected in the family and they are both 5 and 7 years elder than me. All my life they have pampered me and also shooed away girls who would not leave me.

My sisters and friends have bonded well.. actually very much bonded that they all started teasing me. I regret making them meet.. but I can't help but feel happy. I felt it would have been more nice if P'Oon was here. And then out of no where he came. 

"Hey Kong.. that is Arthit right." My sister Lina said pointing at the door. I saw and yes it was him with his friends.. before I could react my sister went to call him. My friends were looking at me but I just asked them to remain silent.

Arthit's POV

Around 7 or so.. me and my friends came to the restaurant.. I was taken by surprise when P'Lina suddenly came in front of me.
"Hi Arthit.. how are you.?" She asked after giving me a hug.
"Hi P'Lina.. I am fine.. How are you P.. sorry for not coming yesterday." I said.
"It is okay.. we know you will be busy.. Kong told us that you are the head hazer this year.. we don't mind.. but come join us with your friends." She said and dragged me. My friends were confused about who she was but followed nonetheless.

As we reached to the room.. they booked.. I saw Kong and his friends also there.. I wanted to talk but Kong signaled me to be normal. We all sat down.
"Guys.. they are Kong's sisters.. P'Lina and P'Tina." I said after we all sat down. I sat down beside Kong.. while his sisters were on the other side.

We started speaking random things. Kong and I acted as if nothing happened.. As a habit I kept on putting food in his plate.. which he eats very very slowly like usual.. and he even called me P'Oon.. I could not help but smile widely when I heard him call me P'Oon.

"Oh.. Arthit.. why don't you marry off our baby brother.. " P'Lina exclaimed suddenly making me and Kong choke while others were having a teasing smile.
"Yup.. Arthit.. how many more years do we have to see you being all lovely with him and an ass to others." P'Tina added teasingly.
"P.. that .. I.." I tried to speak but failing miserably.
"P.. talk about yourself fist.. see you both are in your 23 and 25.. marry first and then lecture me.. I am still in 18.. so don't worry." Kong said teasing them back.

"Aw.. Kong.. there is no one in our life who has treated us like how your P'Oon treats you." P'Lina teased back.. I could not help but feel shy..
"You are not me to have a P'Oon in your life.. we are only single piece you know.. go search for your own prince or who so ever it is." He retorted.
"You are so Mean Kong." P'Lina said while pouting. He stuck his tongue out. Everyone of us laughed at their interaction. I could not help but feel happy with the way he feels for me. He does have a special place for me in his life. I will get him at any cost.. I will do everything.

After sometime they left.. but also said that they would visit day after tomorrow and take us to a mall, us in the sense me and Kong. I felt happy meeting them. After they left it was me and Kong with our friends. I wanted to try apologizing to Kong again but he spoke first.

"Thank you P'Arthit.. for being normal in front of them.. I did not want them to worry about me as they will soon leave to the other countries." He said. 
"Kong.. please talk to me.. please listen to me once." I pleaded him holding his hands. Tears formed in my eyes listening to him calling me P'Arthit again.

I saw him taking deep breaths before turning towards me.. and sitting face to face...
"What is it that you want to talk P.?" He said in his calm voice.. 

"Kong.. firstly I am  really sorry for not coming and forgetting.. we were having a hazers meeting that day with our seniors because we were having the session next day.. I know it is not reasonable but I am sorry I forgot.. And second.. I did not mean what  I said to you the next day Kong.. I really did not mean it.. yesterday when I did not see you in the hazing.. I felt angry and upset.. I know you won't like this method.. but I had a hope that at least you will try it because you know I will not do anything which is wrong or abuse power. I lost my temper in the session Kong and when I saw you there in the canteen.. I lost it completely.. Please Kong.. Please forgive me. I will never again hurt you like that.. Please my Kong." I pleaded him.. 

Kong's POV

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