Chapter 13

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Kong's POV

I woke up next day and I saw the face which made me smile.. I was busy staring at P'Oon.. When I heard someone knock the door. I slowly went and opened the door.
"Good Morning P." I said as I saw P'Tina.
"Morning Kong.. the breakfast is ready.. go freshen up and come down. Don't be late. Also Gun has left to the office." P'Tina said as she gave me a hug.
"Ah.?" I said.. Not understanding what I would be late for.
"Kiet's parents are going to reach in another 1 and half hour and also you need to go and pick up Aran's parents along with him." P'Tina said. I nodded at let go of her.
"Khab P.. I will down after I take bath. I will even get P'Oon.. give me 30minutes."  I said.. After she left I went inside and smiled seeing P'Oon still sleeping.

I went and sat beside him giving him small kisses on his faces. I felt him stirring in sleep. I smiled seeing him waking up.
"P'Oon.. we need to get ready.. P'Kiet's parents will be here and also I need to go pick P'Aran's parents." I said.. he nodded. I was about to get up but he pulled me into a kiss.. At first I was shocked.. then I tried to stop him as we were having less time and finally gave in. 

"Morning Mee Noi." He said as he let go of the kiss. I was already a mess so I just hid my face in his chest.
"Morning P'Oon." I said and stayed like that.

"As much as I want to stay like this.. your sisters and our parents will give us an earful if we are late." He said with a teasing smile. I hit him on his chest and ran away to get ready. I heard him chuckling. After I got ready.. I did not wait for P'Oon as he was just lazing around while stealing some kisses and not getting ready. So went down to join others.

"Kong where is my idiot son.. is he still sleeping.?" Ma asked me as she saw me.
"No Ma.. he is getting ready.. he would be slow if I will wait.. so I came down first." I said as I started helping her. Pa was talking with my sisters, P'Kiet and P'Aran. 

"Go.. sit.. I will do it.. you still have to drive." Ma said sending me off. I went and joined Pa and others. I sat beside Pa who ruffled my hair as I sat beside him.
"Nothing much.. we were taking about their interests in jobs.. they want to settle here." Pa said.
"P'Aran.. you were already working in the oversea branch why don't we just transfer you here.?" I asked.
"No Kong.. I don't want to burden you." P'Aran said. I did not understand what he meant.
"See Kong.. even I told him the same.. he doesn't want to use our name to get in." P'Tina said. I understood now..

"P'Aran.. but based on the work their.. I surely feel you deserve it.. also.. P'Tina will need your help.. we are planning to control the overseas branches from the main head office.. Also.. you are our family now P... you are not using it but living it." I said. I saw P'Aran smile along with others.

"Okay.. then I will work.. but I want to go through the whole transfer procedure." He said. I smiled and nodded.
"Kong convince Kiet also na.. he doesn't listen to me." P'Lina complained now. I laughed at her before looking at P'Kiet.
"I don't want to use a side door.. I want to do something which I get with my capability." P'Kiet said.
"Then attend the interview.. and we will go with the result.. I give you my word.. I will not mess with the procedure." I said. After a few minutes he nodded saying okay. Soon P'Oon came down. 

"Kong.. I hate you." He said as he sat down.
"Tell that again and I will disown you." Pa said. We all laughed looking at P'Oon pouting.
"Pa you are too mean.. I am your son you know." P said.
"I know that is why I said I will disown you." Pa added rolling his eyes. 
"Pa.. unfair.. you always favor Kong." P'Oon said.

"Okay relax Oon.. Tell me what he did.?" Ma asked as she bought the breakfast.
"He did not wait for me to come down." He complained.
"You were not getting ready when I was waiting.. above that you were lazing around.. and you hate me for not waiting ah." I said.
"Still you should have waited." He pouted.

"If he would wait.. he would have been late Oon.. you know right today Kiet and Aran's parents are coming.. also instead of helping him.. you laze around and say you hate him ah.?" Ma said as she pulled his ear.

"Ma you can't blame me.. It is nice to see him sleeping.. he will be cute and calm.. I could stop myself from starring him.. I don't know when I slept in the night." P'Oon said. I became red while others started laughing.
"See if I sleep near you. I will sleep with Ma today." I said. His eyes widened while others were still chuckling.
"You can't do that to me.." He said with desperate voice. 
"But you said you hate me." I said with a sad voice. He stood up and hugged me.

"You know I can never hate you Mee Noi." He said. Shit.. that name again.. I blushed again.

"Ahem Ahem.. you know we are still here right.. no need to put your act here.. Eat now." P'Lina said along with P'Tina while others were giving a teasing smile. I hit him and made him sit. 

We had our breakfast while talking about our previous topics. P'Oon even said them that it would be useful and supportive especially for the time when I take over as a head hazer when he would be helping with the company. P'Kiet and P'Aran were more than happy to help. 

After breakfast I and P'Aran left to pick up his parents and I managed to convince P'Tina also to come with us. It was 20minutes drive to the station.. One our way Ma was calling.. I asked P'Aran who was sitting in the passenger seat to lift the call and put it on speaker..

"Son.. Kiet's parents are already here." Ma said as the call was answered.
"Khab Ma.. we will reach the station in another 5minutes.. and we will back in 30minutes maximun." I said.
"Okay.. Mm. Actually try coming fast.. your sister seems to be nervous and has been cursing you for leaving her here." Ma whispered. I and P'Aran laughed out.
"Ma.. one more sister of mine is also in the same condition here." I said. P'Tina smacked me.
"Anyway Kong.. try coming fast and drive safe okay.?" Ma said.
"Khab Ma." I replied.
"And Tina.. don't be nervous.. just greet them properly.. you are gorgeous and good. Don't worry much." Ma said.
"Khab Ma. Thank you." P'Tina replied.

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