"Sounds like he's even worse than Owen..."

"Leaving the question of permanence aside, if you really care about the other person, you need to look at the bigger picture."

"The bigger picture?"

"I mean, if you love the guy, it seems too trivial to be constantly annoyed with the little quirks."

"But what if I want to strangle him for those little quirks?"

"Then fight with him," Meredith winked at her. "Clears the atmosphere and gives you really good make-up sex."

"True, true..." Cristina nodded pensively. Then her head jerked up as she looked at Meredith more calmly. "It was bitchy of me, wasn't it? Complaining about Owen's annoyingness when you're moping after Shepherd..."

"I'm not moping after him," Meredith rolled her eyes. "I just wish I could be... more helpful to him, you know? I feel... I know that I should be with him right now..."

"You mean the trial thing?"

"Yeah," Meredith sighed reluctantly.

"How is that going?"

"It's... going like a trial," shrugged Meredith. "He's losing patients, it's hard on him. But I'm glad he's not afraid to talk about it with me."

"So you are there for him after all," Cristina remarked.

"As much as I can. Still, it makes a difference if you can talk to someone face to face, hold their hand... yeah..." Meredith lowered her eyes, her face heating up slightly. "You know, I've been checking ticket prices to New York..."

"You're considering going to New York?" gaped Cristina.

"I don't know... No, I don't!" Meredith shook her head vehemently. "I'm not ready... and I can't leave everyone here... I'm just being silly and sentimental."


"Christmas is coming..." Meredith explained quietly. "You want to be with the people you love during Christmas..."

"You realize you're coming here for the holidays, right?" Cristina eyed her sharply.

"You sure? It's your first Christmas with Owen, and I don't want to-"

"You are being silly. Remember that I'm Jewish? And that the inn's going to be full anyway? And I think Owen's mother wants to come. So I need you too."

"Then I'll be there. I wish my parents could be here this year as well... I'm gonna miss them."

"Me too, Susan's infallible in the kitchen."

"Cristina!" Meredith burst out laughing. "They might come in January, they're helping Molly and Eric settle in their new house. He's just got back from overseas."

"Have you told them...?"

"About Derek? Nope... Oh, sorry," she said as her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. "Speaking of the devil..."

"Wait till I'm gone," Cristina snickered getting to her feet faster than a lightning. "Don't want to witness that."

"Witness what?"

"Helen told me you don't mind an audience!" she laughed walking away.

"Ugh," Meredith rolled her eyes and answered the call. "Hey, Der. How are you?"

"Meredith..." he breathed out deeply and she instantly knew something was out of ordinary. There was so much emotion in his voice that he could barely speak. Her heart plummeted, he must have lost another patient...

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