The maid nodded fervently. It was the truth that she had met with a brunette female with brown eyes, but she had lied about meeting in the dark. The maid avoided looking at Baroness Kelli's direction.

Piper smiled. At Piper's carefree smile, Medea frowned with unease. Piper had pointed out the flaw in the maid's version of the story. If it was dark, how could you even tell tell the color of one's eyes or hair? Either the maid had clearly seen who had bribed her, or she was making it up that a brunette had given her instructions.

"Everyone, I'm sure we can trust what we see with our own eyes. What color are my eyes then, young miss?"

The lanky maid stared back. It was no open secret that the princess from Cythera had a spectacular set of eyes. Her irises seemed to reflect every color that nobody could determine a final answer for what color her eyes were.

"I-I don't know. I can't tell," the maid muttered in a miserable voice.

Piper gestured to her own two maids. "None of my maids have brown hair and brown eyes either. So, are you going to claim that it was I who ordered you to do so? I don't even have any Cuora money. All my money is from Cythera and haven't even been exchanged for Cuora gold. There is no way I could have given you the pouch of gold."

"Oh," the maid answered in a small voice. Piper's magic was now in full command. "I-I was told to say that it was Princess Piper," the maid admitted, her eyes full of tears.

The nobility gasped or murmured at the reveal of this new information.

"So who was it that commanded you to do this heinous act?" Crown Princess Thalia demanded.

"You must have heard the voice of that mysterious person." Lady Annabeth said sharply.

"Y-yes, now that you mention it, the lady's voice doesn't sound like Princess Piper."

Baroness Kelli gasped, but most people were not paying attention to her. Medea shot a glance for Kelli, most likely warning her to shut up lest the maid recognized Kelli's voice. However, the maid was already looking in Kelli's direction.

The maid murmured, her eyes drifting towards Kelli again. "Her voice..."

The damage had been done. Many turned towards Kelli, who matched the description of brown hair and brown eyes. Kelli began to protest as people's suspicions turned to her. But why would a lady-in-waiting disgrace her own mistress? The baroness was supposed to be a favored lady of Princess Medea. Unless the target wasn't supposed to be Medea in the first place?

"I came here to give my sincere congratulations. But why does the atmosphere seem quite strange?"

Everyone stood up and curtsied except for Crown Princess Thalia. She had been observing the scene quietly for some time now. "Brother," she greeted.

"Sister," Prince Jason said. "You've outdone yourself this time." He acknowledged the beautiful decorations and the elegant food.

Even some of the married noblewomen were not immune to the way his handsome smile brightened his face.

Piper instinctively rubbed her wrist. These days, she discovered that Jason did not need to touch her for the mark to appear on her wrist. Just simply being near her was enough for the mark to burn.

Shit, Piper cursed in her head. Why was Prince Jason here, and why was he coming closer to her?

Prince Jason stood by her, and she felt a brush against her shoulder. Was he trying to reassure her? She could take care of things just fine by herself. Piper gave Jason a frown.

Revenge of the DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now