"What do you mean not the best idea?" I jolted up as a deep voice speak behind me. I immediately turn my body to look who it is.

"A-Alpha Kim, what are you doing here?" I nervously ask,

I saw him squints his eyes and walk towards me. I immediately stand up from my chair.

"What do you mean? I have been always behind you omega Kim." He said and I slowly nod.

"Yes, I know, I'm sorry." I said looking down,

"About what I heard, are you still doubting our pack?" He ask and my head snap up.

"No alpha Kim, I didn't." I said looking straight to his eyes.


"You're lying omega Kim, I clearly heard you said it. That you still doubt our pack. You hate our pack and you regret merging with us." He said and my eyes widened.

"I didn't said that alpha Kim! Specially hating your pack. I can never do or say that." I defensively said.

He chuckled bitterly while looking down and shaking his head. Then he look up and our eyes met.

'Must.. obey.. alpha Kim.'

"Oh you did omega Kim." He said and I started shaking my head while taking steps backwards as he started taking steps forward.

The chase continued until my bum hit the side of the table. He smirked and lean closer as he caged me with both of his arms at my side.

He look at me straight to his eyes and that's when I felt the unconsciousness and the loose of control to my body.

'Seokjin-ah.. don't look at his.. e-eyes.'

My eyes widened and I immediately look at the side, shutting my eyes close.

"What the.."

"Ah!" I hissed as he forcefully pull my head to face him.

"You can't do this to me omega Kim. You can't reject me." He said in his alpha voice as he stared at me deep to my soul.

'Alpha.. must obey him. Alpha, submit to alpha.'

3rd Person's POV

Taehyung is walking through the hallways of the hall. While whistling his made up melody.

When suddenly a rushing Jungkook showed up in front of him.

"What the.. what are you doing?!" Taehyung ask,

Jungkook stood there chasing his breath.


"Don't.. don't ever.. look at the eyes of.. of either Yoongi Hyung or Namjoon Hyung." He said and Taehyung's brows furrowed.

Then he stand up straight, "You can still.. but if ever you see either your Jin hyung or.. or Jimin Hyung staring at their eyes. Please.. pull them away. Save them." Jungkook said before running away. Taehyung's watch as the younger run away before shrugging and continue walking.

He entered his And Jimin's room and see the other sitting down on his bed. But he brush it off and sat down on his own.

Few minutes and he noticed that Jimin didn't move an inch so he stand up and walk towards his friend.

"Hey.. problem?" He softly ask,

Jimin look at him, and a tear flow down Jimin's cheeks. Taehyung's eyes widened and he begin to panic.

"Jiminie, What happened!? Tell me!" He exclaimed.

Jimin begin crying which made Taehyung panic even more. Taehyung hold on both Jimin's shoulder and slightly shake his friend.

"Tell me! What happened?! Why are you crying!?" He shouts,

Jimin let out a sob and take a deep breath,

"A-Alpha Min.."

-to be continued-

Owning You ◇Namjin AU◇Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora