He smiled as he remembered the fuss she made when he skipped his lunch and dinner on the same day.

The domestic side of their relationship has been strangely endearing to him unlike in his past relationships when he never liked anyone interrupting his work.

Omkara always feared that if he kept quiet, the girls he dated might think that they had a string on him which he never wanted. That thought however did not occur to him with his Bareilly girl as he knew that she would never cross the border of his personal space.

Or maybe you were pretty much occupied ogling at her rather than actually listening to her scolding... his brain added with a smirk.

Omkara shook his head with a guilty smile, rubbing his neck shyly as he thought of her lips opening and close with speed while she chided him.

Wasn't he the perfect gentleman a month ago? How can he think of her romantically when she had no notion of it.

It was sweet of her to make sure that he should have at least one meal with her when she would make sure that he is adequately stuffed for the rest of the day.

He chuckled as he remembered his lunches with her. The girl, tiny as she seems, ate like a mini dinosaur in contrast to him who had been a meagre eater since his youth.

He was surprised to find himself enjoying his food when he sat with her listening to her chirp about anything and everything. She talked a mile a minute and he had to keep up with her speed not to miss her point lest she took him as an uninterested, boring person.

Will she come for lunch or will they have a late night dinner like the past two days because she was busy with his brother's wedding preparations? he wondered.

Although he felt in the wrong for not having time to help her and his younger brother arrange for Shivaay's big day, he trusted her enough to take his place and complete the task with ease.

Amidst his rush to complete the pending works for his exhibition on his mother's request, he willed himself to step down his role of a subservient brother for a short while.

A soft knock on his door broadened his smile and he hurried to open it, expecting to greet the smiling face of his brothers' new confederate.

"So you finally found time in your busy day," he asked with a smile and got a tired sigh in response.

"Were you hungry Omkaraji? You should have started eating," said Gauri as she walked into the room.

"I like eating with you Gauri," he said without thinking, making her sharply turn to him, raising her eyebrows at the sudden boldness.

That is too direct Om.... she might feel uncomfortable.. he scolded himself correcting his statement at once.

"I mean.. uhh.. It is boring to eat alone."

Of course, what else did you expect my lady... her conscience mocked as she gave him an understanding nod.

The house help came with the ordered food while Gauri arranged the plates near the study where they usually ate.

After a while of comfortable silence during which both of them filled their empty stomachs, Gauri initiated a small talk.

"Did the portrait please you this time or are you starting to draw it again?" she asked looking around the room.

Omkara chuckled as he said, "I took your advice that it looked good enough to be exhibited. I started working on the lady instead."

"Kaunsa womaniya?" she asked, a frown marring her features.

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