where they prefer!!

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This is where they like to do the Nasty!!!! (If you do not feel comfortable reading this them please do not read and read my next one!!)

Harry- kinda basic but enjoys to do it in his bed at the dorms, he does use a spell so no one can hear in case you guys do it while people are there

Ron- He likes it in the boys bathroom and he enjoys quickys between classes

Draco- Slytherin Common room, has his two crones stand watch for you

Fred- Room of requirements, took you there for the first time and has been doing it there most of the time since

George- Staff room, he will do it late at night with you behind the extra robes

Neville- in a meadow by the flowers, he thinks it sets the mood

Oliver- Broom Cupboard- he likes it cause no one is in there most of the time and since it's far from the school you guys can be as loud as you want

Cedric- Hufflepuff Comon room, he thinks it's scandalous and does it late at night with you...

Tom Riddle- Chamber of Secrets, do I need to say anything else...

Seamus- The Library, finds it fun to try and find a book isle and like Ron is a fan of quickys

Dean- like Harry he enjoys it in the dorms cause he think the bed is the best place to make love!!

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