🧡 Draco Malfoy 🧡 part 2

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TW!! Cutting, trys to commit, bullying, really sad tbh

After reading the letter that Pansy sent me I got up and ran out of the class room. I heard Draco call oit my name but I didn't care I just wanted to make everyone happy by doing what they all wanted me to do. Pansy was right I'm not gonna do anything good by being here.

Draco POV

I glanced over to see y/n reading something I shrugged it off. I might be from the professor cause she's not left her dorm in 4 weeks. I tried to get her to leave but it was no use she wouldn't do anything.

I was stuck on the potion and was about to ask y/n for help when I see her run out of the classroom. "Y/n!?" I look over at the professor to see him half asleep, I scoff and roll my eyes at that. I look around to see Pansy and Blaise snickering at y/n as she ran past.

I looked at the note and read it. As soon as I finished it I was horrified of what they it said. I couldn't believe what I was reading and why Pansy would say such cruel things. I grew a scowl on my face as I stormed over to where they were.

"Do you think this is bloody funny!? You know y/n would never do this to you so why are you doing this to her now?" I practically yelled as I grabbed Blaise by the collar. Pansy had a frightened look on her face as I did this.

She pulled me off Blaise and tried to apologize but I wouldn't hear it. "I'm sorry Draco we didn't think she would actually do it. We were only trying to scare her thats all." I grew confused as I heard Pansy say that. "What do you mean she would actually do it?"

Pansy looked downbat her feet and stayed silent but this time it was Blaise who spoke up. "Pansy said in the letter for y/n to kill herself and we think that's why she ran off to actually do it."

I looked at them was a horrified face as he said that I pushed past them and ran to try and go stop y/n before it was to late. I can't lose her.


I made it to my dorm not even bothering to lock the door, no one would come after me anyways. I got to my bathroom and grabbed my razor and cut into my flesh one last time. This time I didn't feel that safeness anymore it didn't make me feel good. I'm doing it, I'm gonna do it, I have to do it, I have to make them happy I thought.

I went to my desk and started writing a letter to my only friends Draco and Luna I thought about writing one to my mother but why would she care, she already hates me anyways. "Would this make her happy? For me to be dead."

I decided I wasn't gonna write a letter to her I don't want to come across as needy for attention from her anyways. I put the letters in envelopes and signed the outside of them. I went to my bed and laid them there.

I suddenly felt more tears coming and I broke down crying into my wooden floor. My tears splashed the ground below me as I kept on sobbing. But after a while I stopped I must of used all my tears I thought as I got up again to head to the bathroom.

I rummaged around for something, anything that could get the job done and that was when I thought of it. Pills.

Draco POV

I quickly ran to try and get to our house as soon as possible. I pushed past kids of all different types of grades as tears streamed done my eyes.

I can't lose her she means everything to me. She was the reason I kept going so I need to help her. If I lose her I won't have anything left to live for.

I got to the Slytherin lady and pushed past a 3rd year kid. He yelled at me to watch it but I just kept on going to where I needed to be. People in the Slytherin common room gave me weird looks as I began to sob at the thought of seeing y/n's lifeless body on the floor. I made it to her room and burst in.


I was about to swallow the pulls in my hand when I heard a loud bang at my door and the door flying open. I dropped the pills and tried to pick them up one someone stopped me and grabbed my arms.

"Y/n what the hell are you trying to do!? You can't so this to yourself I can not allow you to die!" Draco said while pulling me into a hug.

I started to sob into his shoulder and I felt like a huge jerk that I did this to him and myself. I cried even harder as he kept on telling me that it was gonna be ok.

"I'm so sorry Draco I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I feel terrible now." I said in-between my cries.

🦙time skip🦙

After a while I calmed down and was able to tell Draco everything he just sat there and listened to me rant. I also mustered up enough courage to show him my arms.

He told me that everything was gonna be alright and I believed him. He pulled me into another hug and just held me there, it felt good to be in his strong embrace and after everything I've been through this was just what I needed.

"Y/n I want you to known that your safe now and no one is every gonna hurt you again, and that's a promise."

Wow I cried on this one. I really hope you guys like this and if your going through this I'm always here for you 💕💕💕💕💕

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