🪶 James 🪶

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Hello babes!! Unlike my usual posts I will be doing a Maraders one today!! I promise to try and post more often but with school and cheer it's kinda hectic lol.

Request: JulzLovDraco4Eva

Y/n pov:

I heaved a long and loud sigh as I sat in the commons room working on my stupid homework. Of course the second I do that I earn a few weird looks from the surrounding students but I brush it off as I try to work on the spell again.

Normally I would have Daisy (One of my OC's names) help me out but after a duel with a student she got sent done to the hospital wing cause she was throwing up leeches... ew!

After what felt like hours which was only 30 mins I got the spell to work and I quickly put away all my supplies.

As I was putting up my books I heard 3 loud voices coming to the common room and I couldn't help but smile as I recognized them. It just so happened to be my 3 best friends, Sirius, Remus, and of course the famous gryffindor seeker... James Potter.

I've known James the longest out of all the boys and over that time I have grown a serious crush on him and simply cannot stop him from entering my mind at all hours of the day. It may be because I spend every single day with him and the fact that I find him seriously hilarious as well.

But, I quickly stopped thinking about James as I saw the boys come tumbling in... literally. There was a loud bang as James came crashing to the floor and soon after Sirius and Remus were rolling on the floor with laughter as James pouted next to them.

I giggled at the boys but stopped when I saw James looking at me. I averted my gaze to the ground and out of the corner of my eye I swore I saw him smirk.

"That was a low blow Sirius." James said slightly coldly as he got back up and walked over to me.

As I was standing up I was quickly brought back onto the couch thanks to James who had leaped up at me. I felt his smooth hands around my waist and on my lower back and time itself seemed to have stopped we were rather close to one another at that moment and my face was heating up by the second.

I felt my stomach erupt with butterfly at what was happening but of course it was ruined by the two idiots on the other side of the room.

"Get a room lovers it makes me feel all gross and single.." Remus said. James only laughed as he let go of me and I couldn't help but frown a bit when he did that. I looked over and saw Sirius looking at me with a confused glance. I shook it off.

Time skip cause I'm lazy.

The next day Remus and Siruis told me that James needed to ask me something important so I raced to the great hall to find out the big news! I got there and sat done next to James as he was reading the paper.

"Ahhh y/n good to see you. How'd you sleep? Actually nevermind!! Here is some toast and eat while I'm speaking please and thank you!! He said rather quickly as he shoved a piece of toast in my mouth.

"I need your help pulling a prank on Sevirus it may be risky but I know I can trust you!" He said brightly as I swallowed my toast I could never say no to him so I nodded my head and headed over to potions to talk with the other marauders about what to do.

As I sat next to James he gave me the signal to put the gross substance into Sevirus's cauldron. I did as instructed and quickly hurried back in my seat in time to see and hear a big explosion right in front of the old farts face. It was amazing and it was rather hard to keep in a laugh. Of course he told on me and the 3 goones so we got detention with Mrs. Mcgonagall. Bit what was unfair was that Jamee got sent to a different room from me Remus and Siruis and boy did I wish I was with James.

Right away they pounced at me with questions about me and James and before I knew it I told them I liked James! I didn't mean to but it just slipped out they weren't shocked by that infact they had a BET on it that Remus had won 10 gallons over.

But soon their faces grew red and their eyes went wide as well. I turned around and there I saw James standing there with a huge smirk on his perfect face.

He walked over to us and kept that smirk on him the whole time. "It's about bloody time you said something y/n!" He said before leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips I enjoyed the few seconds it happened and was once again interrupted by those two idiots. "They did it Remus! Their in love!" Sirius said wiping a few fake tears. James rolled his eyes while grabbing my hand to take me to the other room to be with him instead.

I really hope you guys liked this story!!! It was so much fun writing this and I hope I can do more Maraders themed story's. Please request more stories for me to do!!!

Harry potter Lemons, one-shots, POVSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin