🧡 Draco Malfoy 🧡 part 1

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I wake up with a pounding headache and my chest hurts, I don't have as much strength as I use to. I hardly ever get out of bed and when I actually do I get tons of backlash.

I slowly walk to the bathroom and look at the figure that stars back at me. I don't recognize her she's pale, extreme skinny, has big circles underneath her eyes, and looks half dead. It took me a while to realize that the figure looking at me and copying my moves was my reflection.

I crinkle up my nose and sigh in disgust I'm a hideous monster thought I felt hot tears sting my eyes which surprised me for I believed I had no more tears left to cry. The next thing I know I'm on the cold tile floor in my dorm crying in a little ball. I wanted someone anyone to help me, to help me see the good in the world, to help me see something that is worth living, but there is none like that they are all the same I trust to easily and sooner or later they leave me in the dirt alone and all by myself.

I stand back up with the help of the counter and almost smile that I have some upper body strength. I haven't eaten in a very long time and when I do I usually throw it up afterwards. I look at my body in the mirror and see that I've lost quite a lot of weight over the past couple of months. But it's not enough... I'm not enough anymore I try to be good for everybody but it's no use they all hate me. My own parents never wanted me.

I quickly go into the cabinet under the sink and pull out my razor and lift up my sleeves. I look at my arms and once again I feel some tears threatening to come out. My once beautiful porcelain skin on my arms is now a battlefield of scars on my arms and near my wrists. I bring the blade up to my left arm and gently press the silver blade on my skin and cut it. I feel a sign of relief as I watch the blood trickle down my left arm.

🌠time skip🌠

I decided to actually attended my classes or at least a few of them I got dressed in my green robes and looked at the picture of Draco and me at our first year of hogwarts. Me and Draco have been Childhood best friends and is still the only person who know about my past...

When I was 5 my father had passed away in an airplane accident on his way to romaina to study about Dragons. My father loved to explore and was the complete opposite of my Mother who I hate with all my existence. My mother is sadly a death eater and a well known one as well. And that's also probably why many people are afraid of me here at hogwarts too. Cause my Mother is Bellatrix Lastrange.

She's the reason my life is legit shit she never cared for me when I was little and when my Father died she somehow started to care for me even more than before. She completely gave up on raising me and left me with our house elves. But lucky for me I always had Draco there for me and he has never left my side. From the day we first met each other at age 3 to being sorted into Slytherin together to me basically moving into Malfoy Manor he never left.

Even now he is still here for me and I wouldn't have it any other way. Yet I never had the courage to tell him about what else is going on in my life. I get bullied a lot by Pansy, Blaise, Crab, and Goyle, they always mention my mother and make me feel like I'm less than nothing and have abused me mentally, physically, and emotionally.

I want to tell Draco but I can't bring myself to tell him that his best friends make me wanna kïll myself 24/7.

🌠another time skip🌠

I rush to potions as fast as I could and bearly make it in time I take my Seat next to Draco who gives me a big hug after not seeing me for 4 weeks. I felt bad and all but I didn't want him to see me in such a state of gloom. I showed him a fake smile and got to work on the assignment for the day.

About 5 minutes in a piece of paper landed near me. I looked around and saw that no one was looking at me or towards my direction. I looked over at Draco but he was concentrating really hard on his potion. I decide what the hell let's open it.

Dear Whore,

I can see your finally back to your classes again and out of your dumb dorm. I want you to know that you look absolutely disgusting, and broken it's seriously funny to see you like this. I'm sure Draco is embarrassed to even be seen by you right now, and what would your mother think? If she came here today and saw you she would probably hate you even more for looking like this. I hope you know that nobody here likes you, your a piece of trash and you don't deserve to be close to Draco! Do us all a favor and just đīə already!!

From, Pansy

I felt tears hitting the parchment paper as I finished reading it. Maybe Pansy was right, maybe I should just end it all right now. I look over in her direction and see her, Blaise, and Crab all smirking at me. Pansy sends another paper my way I decide to open it and it says only 2 words in it.

Đie Slut!!!!

Ok I know this sucks but I think part two is gonna be good

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