Yaya didn't want to use her gravitational power on the others, since the north wind was returning again. Gopal offered to solidify everything but, the others didn't agree since they wouldn't want the creatures from beneath the river to die. Everyone looked at Y/n, but she just shrugged out. "I manipulate light. I cannot teleport two people at the same time nor help you on situations like this," she answered almost immediately. "Well, if that's the case─I'll do it then," Boboiboy spoke as he thought off.

He walked forward as everyone took a step back, giving him a space for him to transform to. He sighed and raised his arm up where his power watch was with a clenched hand. It began to glow as it gathered particles that surrounded it. The iconic circle-like insignia once again appeared as he transformed.

"Elemental power!"

The area around him began to glow.

"Boboiboy Earthquake!"

The element stood in front of them. He wore a new design of his attire. With a colour palette of mostly brown, yellow ochre, and black. He had a red scarf tied up around his neck by a small thick black cloth that had his element symbol on it. His eyes were a yellow ochre of colour. He had huge rock gloves that had bright fiery orange linings on it. His shirt was buttoned up with 2 breast pockets on each side of his chest. His sleeves were short which nearly reached his elbows, it also had black folds.

Y/n saw this form once when they were battling Pamola but, that was all. Boboiboy told her about this form, apparently this was actually his main element. Looking exactly the same as the original Boboiboy, one thing was different. It was the aura he possessed. It was of course different from the elemental splits and forms that she saw, Earthquake emitted a brave, leader-like aura. Boboiboy Earthquake turned to the river's direction.

"Earth Bridge!" Quake yelled out before he punched the ground beneath from where he was standing. Suddenly the ground rumbled and began shaking, everyone besides Earthquake tensed on their spots. Their eyes travelled on the ground, a bit bothered by the shaking. From the river─rose a bridge that was made up of rocks and boulders, the colours were different from ordinary rocks. It was a brown coloured. Summoned rocks are of different colour to normal ones.

"Let's go!" Earthquake turned to his friends, gesturing for them to move while his other hand was pointing to the bridge he just summoned. Everyone obeyed his order and followed him from behind. Y/n on the other hand, studied the bridge curiously─fascinated by Earthquake's work. She walked from behind the others as her pointy ears were filled with the sound of the fast flowing of the marble-like water from the river. As everyone were finally able to cross, they continued to walk their way to the nest.

Somehow, as they got closer, the trees that were once filled with various of coloured leaves─were now gone. The trees that they could see had leaves that has a colour of various shades of blue. The logs and wood were in uniform, having a colour of light blue. "Wah..." Gopal marveled as he admired the trees. Yaya and Ying were happily watching their environment. "Wow! It's so beautiful," Yaya commented as she flew. The area that they were in was definitely something worthy of admiration.

Although, it was colder on where they were, they couldn't hide the fact that they were amazed. "Woah.." Boboiboy Earthquake mumbled in complete astonishment upon what was displayed before his yellow ochre eyes. Y/n silently awed at the view that she had her (e/c) eyes on. "Guys, the Harpy Nest would be right about here in this area," Ying spoke as her eyes travelled from the tablet that she was holding to her surrounding. "Yay! We're finally here!" Gopal cheered on his spot, yellow sparkles appearing around him.

"You mean this area?" Yaya spoke which earned everyone's attention. There was an odd-looking cave from where she was flying. Everyone else walked in front of the cave. "I guess," Ying responded as she scratched her head. That cave was small, Y/n doubted that if she goes in there─it would be having a huge area. Everyone could see a blue light from inside the cave, it was glowing rather brightly. Contemplating at first, they soon decided that they will go in. With Earthquake leading them of course.

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