this was a secluded place right outside the royal palace. not many people go there since it's just an open field, but right in the middle of said field stood one sole silver wisteria tree. planted 10 years ago by Yanmei herself and the person which whom she shared a birthday, Lu Ten. back when the son of Iroh was still living, he and Yanmei planted the tree to celebrate her 10th birthday. just a little bit over a year before their lives changed forever.

after Lu Ten passed, Yanmei resided under the tree for hours nearly everyday. it was a comfort spot where she could truly be alone, yet also feel like her friend was still there with her, sitting shoulder to shoulder as they enjoyed the sounds and views of nature without the troublesome problems of their lives in the palace bothering them.

even though it had been many years since she had last been to the Fire Nation, Yanmei still remembered this wonderful place, and the special meaning held behind it. for under that tree laid her memorial for Lu Ten, and now also one for her child. both laying below a carving engraved into the tree, a phrase that Yanmei lived by to keep her sane.

'I'll always
be with you,
I promise'


for 7 long years the world famous dual bender awaited the day she would finally come home to the Fire Nation. she had dreamt for it every night she fell asleep, the weightlifting moment as she stood in front of the doors of the palace, the greeting from the servants as the banished duo arrived home after their long journey to capture the avatar. Ozai's grin at the fact that their mission was successful, and the way that he would welcome them both back with open arms.

oh, what a wonderful dream it was indeed.

but now, as Yanmei knelt in-front of two graves she made herself, for people she wished she had more time with, she now dreamt of leaving this Nation forever. all this place had brought her was pain and suffering. from the scars that were visible to the ones that were unknown to the human eye for they were deep inside her heart and mind. she didn't have the strength to add anymore to the collection. not after today. not after she built a grave for her daughter that didn't even live long enough to open her eyes to see her mother's face.

even though her eyes were blurry from the tears, Yanmei could still see the carving Lu Ten made into the tree when they were young. the place that once brought her so much joy now brought her unbelievable pain. because what was written into the beautiful silver wisteria tree was a lie. once someone dies they're no longer with you, they're just dead. and there's absolutely nothing you can do to bring them back to you.

Yanmei gripped the grass in-front of her knees as she weeped. "you lied to me, big brother," tears fell down to her bare thighs as she remembered the day Lu Ten told her to call him that, "you said that you would come back after the war. you promised me!"

"I want to believe your words, but I... I can't feel you anywhere..." Yanmei clenched her jaw as her anger began to ignite, "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?!"

Ursa ran as fast as she could towards Yanmei when she heard her scream. she remembered Zuko's warning that Yanmei could lose control, and she didn't want that to happen while she was there. as Ursa drew near she noticed that the grass surrounding the tree was dead, and the petals of the wisteria slowly began to fall off the vines. right behind Yanmei, Ursa fell to her knees and wrapped her arms tightly around the younger girls shoulders.

"breathe, little one... I know it hurts, but in time you will heal" Ursa spoke softly as she laid her head atop of the girls.

Yanmei fell into the older woman's hold, clutching Ursa's forearms with her hands to make sure that she stayed right there. she just needed someone she had lost to come back to her, but at this point she had lost so much that it barely felt better.

"I-I can't live like this anymore. I want this pain to end"

"it will end soon, little one, and when it does you'll smile and see all the good you have in your life," Ursa no longer felt the young one in her arms shake and her grip loosened as her breath became slower, "rest now. you deserve this moment of peace"

within mere seconds Yanmei fell asleep. Ursa turned her head to see her son Zuko standing a few feet away, the sadness in his eyes was evident. he himself hadn't been to the tree since Lu Ten's death, and scene before him let him remember why.

"it was like this the last time I was here. back when cousin died. she cried so hard that she fell asleep," Zuko whispered, walking closer to his mother.

Ursa nodded, "when I... left all those years ago, I found her sleeping here. I brought her back inside to her room before she caught a cold. I hate to imagine her face when she woke up that morning, to remember that Lu Ten was gone, but then suddenly so was I," Ursa smiled up at her son, "but I'm glad you two had each other. you've done well to protect her, and I know she did the same for you"

"I let her down more times than I did help her. I know she can tell you that"

"you can help her now. trust me Zuko, she needs you now more than ever"

Zuko reached down to pick up Yanmei and held her, giving Ursa the opportunity to get up so that they could head back to the palace before it got dark, "If I only let myself help her I'll probably fall in love with her again"

the Fire Lord chuckled to himself, knowing his words were the absolute truth, "besides, there's someone else who would be more than happy to take that role from me"

Ursa joined at her son's side as they walked, "you mean that water tribe boy, Sokka? she and I talked about him. it's true that they both love each other very much"

Zuko nodded, looking down at the sleeping girl in his arms, "Sokka should be the one to protect Yanny from now on. besides, i've got my heart set on someone else as well"

"is it Mai?" Ursa playfully smirked, "I know you two have had a connection for a while as well"

"that love story is complicated as well"

"oh? so there's someone else?"

Zuko turned his head away from his mother to hide the small blush on his cheeks, "Yanny isn't the only one who falls in love too easily"

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