(18) Powers

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I'm sorry for the long break, I've had 2 of my final exams this week so it was pretty stressful, lots of studying :/ but now half of the work is done and I can put more time into writing again :D

But hooooly potato, 6K reads thank you so much!! I've been gone for like 2 weeks and the story gained about 2K reads :0
Thanks to everyone for reading it and if you like this chapter, a vote or comment would make my day :D

Clay was torn between heaven and hell.

On the one side he was relieved and happy to know Nick was safe, on the other hand the loss of his siblings teared his heart into pieces everytime he thought about them.

He wondered how his parents and Chris were doing. According to Darryl they got the same letter about their children's deaths as the one Clay had read.

He wished he could meet them, talk to them, or at least write to them. He had asked Darryl many times if he could send them a letter- but it was not allowed. No servant was entitled to be in contact with their families outside of the castle. Security measure.

He wondered how Chris was feeling, with two of her siblings dead and her other  brother locked up in a castle, unable to speak to her.

At least Nick was safe. His best friend was the only one he had at the moment, even when he expected Darryl to take him back to the castle very soon.

Nick and him were still sitting in the circular room of the Black Rebellion, exchanging what had happened in each of their lives after they had been ripped apart.

Clay talked about his job in the castle and how he was spying on Prince George for the Rebellion- but he did not tell him how close they actually were.

Nick was talking about his time at the military training and the war front, shortly before the agents of the Black Rebellion had found him and brought him here.

"I'm going to work for Karl's section here, we are trying to kidnap Prince George or find a way to make him or the King blackmailable. Your information will really help on that, we might actually have a chance to fight against this stupid Empire! Isn't that great?"

The enthusiastic words of his best friend made Clay quite uncomfortable.
"But why would you want to harm George? That would not help at all."

Nick looked at him, confused.
"What? Why would that not help? Dude, we could kidnap the Prince! That could help a ton!"

"And what did he do?"

Nick frowned.
"What is wrong with you? He is the Prince. You hate him, as much you hate the King and the Empire. How can you defend the person that is responsible for the death of Cliff and Charlize?"

A sharp pain stabbed right through Clay's heart.
Nick was right.

Could George really just end the killing of the Vilis in the war? He knew about Cliff and Charlize. And Nick. And he did not do anything. He was just watching, watching as thousands of innocent people lost their lives.

"It makes sense. I guess. But I don't want anything to do with this. I'm quitting."

Nick laughed.
"You want to quit? You want to leave the Rebellion? Dude, that's bullshit! You are collecting our information, you can't let us down, not now that we are so close to success!"

Clay pressed his lips together.
"I don't want to be responsible for any harm you're doing to George."

His best friend frowned again.

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