Chapter thirty✓

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Almost the end

Camilla's POV

That night, I tossed and turned in my bed. I just couldn't fall asleep. The emotions I was experiencing were too much, all fighting for dominance. Had I over reacted? Should I have listened to him and no one else? I sat up with a frustrated huff and went downstairs were my parents were watching a late night Simpsons episode. "Can I go to Priscilla's? Something came up and she was in tears-"
"This late at night? Can't you see her tomorrow morning?" My father asked and I shook my head. After a few minutes of convincing them, they finally agreed.


"What are you doing here?" Zayn asked, voice deep and groggy. I'd probably woke him up. "Can I come in?"I asked and he nodded, stepping aside. He led the way to his room, closing the door when we got there. Zayn's room was a grey and white, and very huge.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I should've believed you when you said nothing is going on between you and Mrs Butler," I said, eyes cast down at my feet.
"I accept your apology," he began."But we have to trust each other-"
"I know, Zayn. And I'm sorry. I don't want a break. I know I said I needed time to think and I did think. But I couldn't sleep. You were on my mind the entire time."
He was silent for a few seconds, his stare so intense that I had to look away. "Say something. Please," I whispered softly. He stepped closer and engulfed me in a tight hug. I guess actions speak louder than words.
"I thought I'd lost you," he muttered. I looked up, cupping his cheeks and bringing my lips to his. "You're going to be stuck with me for a while,"I muttered against his lips, smiling when he grinned.


Zayn's POV

The next morning, I had an extra skip to my step. That is until I saw my father wheezing and gripping the kitchen counter for support. I immediately ran to his side, grabbing his arm and swinging it around my shoulders. "How many times have I told you to go to the hospital?" I scolded, surprising myself at how concerned I was.
"And how many times have I told you that I'm not going there,"he retorted, rather weakly. I helped him up the stairs, and helped him into the bed. "Stay in bed. If you need anything that Martha can't get you, just call me," I said. Martha was our maid who used to come four times a week, but had now moved in with us. I turned to leave, but he grabbed my forearm, stopping me. "What?"I asked.
"Sit down. I have to tell you something," He said, voice grave. I begrudgingly sat down at the edge of the bed. I'd rather be doing some homework instead of this,I thought.
"I was eighteen when I met your mother-"
"No-" I tried to protest, mainly because I didn't need to hear this. Not now,at least. I was okay with the mean heartless version of my father. The one I knew. Not the remorseful man infront of me. I still wanted to resent him. As selfish as that sounded.
"Let me finish, son. It's important that you understand why I did the things I did."
It's funny how you can spend years wanting something so bad that it hurts. And when it's finally within don't want it anymore.
"Your mother was engaged at the time, to a man called Christian Lee. They were highschool sweethearts, planned to marry straight after college. I was a playboy at the time, sort of like you-"
"I'm not a playboy," I said, much to his amusement.
"We met at a college party- your mother and I. There was an instant connection. We started secretly seeing each other, behind her fiance's back. But Christian soon found out and broke off the engagement. Blinded by love and the idea of wreckless decisions, Sarah and I eloped. At first, everything was perfect. We had you and were a perfect little family. Until your grandfather passed away, and I had to take over the business. You were only three months old at the time. After I got the business, everything changed. I changed. That's what it does to you. You experience and execute such cruelty that there's no way you won't change. Your mother and I didn't spend time together anymore, because I was always working. But still our marriage survived, and were still happy. Not as happy as before but still happy. Until I found that she had been seeing Christian behind my back. That you could be his son. I started to see things in you that were not there, figments of my imagination. You are a carbon copy of me yet I still doubted you were my son. I wanted revenge on your mother for breaking my heart. I wanted to hurt her just as bad as she hurt me. That's why I was with all the different women. I never stopped loving your mother, but at that point in time my love for her was blinded by my sheer rage. What made everything worse was that Christian our enemy. He was our biggest rival in the underground world, and she still went ahead and did it. In my haste to forget all my troubles, I met Josephine Castellan. At first, she was just another mistress but I soon realised she was different. Despite my clear infatuation with her, our romance was short lived. She wanted more than I could give her. She wanted me to leave you and your mother. Something I could clearly not do. And then a few years later, she contacts me and tells me I have a son. Of course I had DNA tests done, and they came positive. His name is Jason. If it were any other time, I would've ignored this whole thing. But I'm dying, Zayn-"
"You don't have to die!"I shouted, getting up. "You want to die. To leave everything behind! Including me and this...this son of yours." With that I turned and left the room, returning to my own and tossing everything I saw. After a few minutes, I was able to calm down, slumping on the floor of my destroyed room. When I was in the comfort of silence, I began to think about what I'd just heard. Jason. My brother's name was Jason. But there was only one Jason Castellan that I knew. And I prayed to the heavens that he wasn't my brother.


Heyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you? I hope you're all well. I really struggled with this chapter, considering the fact that it is the second last chapter and has to lay the foundation for the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I considered making it the last chapter, because I like the last chapter to be an even number. But then I decided against it. Please vote and comment, and share your thoughts.
I've already started with the sequel and have found a name.
It's going to be called:


It's basically going to be Zayn and Camilla trying to work out the craziness of their lives. They are going to have so MANY relationship problems. And I can't wait to write those because for me personally, those are the best parts of a story. In the next chapter,I'll show the cover and story description. The name of the book is actually the name of Zayn's album. Just thought y'all should know. Unless you already did know. I don't know when I'm going to post the last chapter because we're back at school. There was a point in time when I posted like crazy but that was in the beginning of our fall break.
Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate your support.


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