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A/N: Enjoy!!

When life gives you give them to Zayn Malik

Camilla's POV

I stood infront of the beautiful mansion, my hands on my hips and my bag hanging off my shoulder. I readjusted the strap nervously. Even with the cold wind blowing in my face, I still felt hot and flustered from the walk here. My head snapped up when the door opened, revealing a very handsome Zayn. Dressed in tight black jeans and a huge grey sweater, he was utter perfection.

Zayn's POV ( A/N- Cause why not)

My face froze in shock as my eyes swept over her beautiful features. Her cheeks were rosy, adding a pleasurable healthy look to her dark complexion. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail, a few strands of hair framing her face. "Zayn," She chirped cheerfully as she stepped closer. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure my father was no where in sight before turning back to her. I felt oddly protective of her, especially since I knew all of the terrible things Jameel Malik had done. "What are you doing here?" I hated how reserved and unhappy to see her I sounded, but I just couldn't help it. I spent every waking minute of my life on edge, an ultimately viewed everyone as the enemy. She probably thought I didn't want her here. It was quite the opposite actually.
"I just..." Her voice trailed off, as she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear."I brought this for you."
She held out a yellow file, which I hesitantly took before starting to flip over the pages. "It's all the work you missed. Homeworks, notes, and class activities. I put them all in order," She explained. I looked up at her, surprised that she would actually do that for me. Especially after how I'd treated her. She had a heart of gold. Pure gold."Thank you," I said, almost laughing at how foreign the words felt rolling off my tongue. Wow, I really need to say thank you more.
"You're welcome," she smiled, before opening her mouth and closing it again when no sound came out. I had no idea why we were being so shy infront of each other. "When are you- uhh- coming back to school?"
She was now rocking on both her feet and trying to look casual as she asked this.


"I don't know," I said, truthfully. I wanted to go back but I also wanted to stay in my room and waste my life away. "Alright, thanks again for the work," I held up the file, giving her my first genuine smile in a week.



I was still fuming when I stepped into the shower later that night. He was so...distant. I squirted my strawberry and lavender shampoo onto my hands and angrily massaged it on to my scalp. In an feeble attempt to rid my brain of any thoughts regarding Zayn.

He doesn't care.

He doesn't like you.

He's not that into you.

I was considerably calmer when I crawled onto my bed in my tank top and sweats. I turned on the heater, settling in a comfortable position to read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I was only half way across the first page when my phone vibrated. I sighed, grabbing it. I shrieked, dropping it onto my bed like it burnt my hands when I saw the caller ID. Zayn. Why was he calling me? Did I even want to talk to him?I took a deep breath, sat up and picked up the phone.
"Zayn." I was now biting my nails, a nervous tick.
We both fell silent for a few seconds, but it was oddly a comfortable silence. "I was calling to thank you for the work."
"We both know you aren't going to do it, Zayn," I chortled. He chuckled softly before sighing heavily.
"You know," he began softly. "You're the only person in the whole world that I like."
"Oh yeah?" I hummed, leaning back on the headboard. There was something about him, maybe his voice, that made me relaxed. "And why is that?" I asked.
"You're -" he fell silent when he couldn't seem to find the words.
"You're my favourite person too," I confessed softly when he didn't say anything else. "But I thought you hate me." After the way he had treated me earlier that day, would you blame me?
"Hate? I could never hate you. I hate my father, I hate Jason, I hate my life but you- I could never."
"You hate your life?" My voice was soft and sympathetic. He didn't reply, which I took as a yes. "Zayn," I began softly. "You-"
"I'm coming to get you. Get ready." And with that he hung up.


Hey!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I had so much fun writing it. Anyway, please vote and comment and share. Thank you so much for giving this story a shot. I hope you have a really really awesome day.


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