Twenty two ✓

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A/N: I hope you're ready!! Enjoy!!??!!!

The return of the Cafeteria King

My heart almost stopped with glee when I saw the Infiniti the next Monday. He came. He actually listened to me and came to school.When the bell rang, I happily skipped to English with a bounce to my step. "You're early,"I smiled at Zayn when I spotted him by his usual seat next to the window. He grinned, beckoning me over with his index finger. When I reached his desk, he brought his lips to mine briefly. I glanced over my shoulder to check if anyone saw us, but thankfully, no one did.
"Sit with me," he said, nodding towards the desk next to his.
"Someone already sits there."
"Stacey won't mind," he said, shrugging casually.I suddenly remembered that Stacey is the blonde in his group, surprised that I hadn't noticed that she sat next to him. "Okay," I gave in with a sigh, without much of a fight might I add.


Zayn carried my lunch tray for me as we stepped outside, receiving a few stares. "Sit with us," he said. I looked at him, wanting to say "HELL NO!" but somehow ended up nodding. "Priscilla!" I called to ask her to join us. She looked up from the imaginary circles she was drawing on the metal table. "We're sitting with them today."
She was up in a flash, already joining Zayn and I, like she had been wanting to do that the entire time. "Hi Priscilla," Zayn smiled at her. She looked utterly dazzled by him, like she wasn't the one talking shit about him the other day. Ahh, how fast the tables turn. I waved at everyone when we arrived at the bleachers, sparing Adam a smile. Zayn angled himself in a way that he had his back to them, indicating that he was talking specifically to me but wasn't completely shutting them out. They probably missed him. I noticed that Jason wasn't nearly as pompous as he had been the last few days. He was instead, shooting daggers at Zayn, who was happily chatting to me, unaware of the extra pair of eyes on him. "So you guys are together now?" Jason suddenly asked. The air around us instantly became awkward, and everyone quieted down. Seemingly also interested in what we had to say. "How is that any of your concern, Jason?" Zayn sounded almost pissed. Woah, overreacting much?
"Zayn," I sighed, trying to stop am argument before it even began. But Jason had already taken the bait. "You need to watch your mouth, Malik," He growled, standing up. Zayn followed suit. "You," he poked Jason's chest. "have a problem. Mind sharing?"
Jason pushed Zayn away forcefully, nearly causing him to fall. "My problem is YOU!" He shouted, face as red as a tomato. He was getting pissed off.
"How am I your fucking problem? I haven't been here in a freaking week!" Oh oh... Zayn was also losing his shit.
Darren stepped in between the two boys, separating them before things escalated. "Camilla, let's go," Zayn said, breathing heavily. I scrambled up, walking past Jason. Jason suddenly hit my butt, grinning daringly. Before I could even react, Zayn was up in his face in seconds. "What are you going to do, Malik?" Jason hissed, laughing when Zayn grabbed him by his shirt.
"Nothing. You know why? Because you're nothing. You're nothing but a cheap fake. A copy of the original."
The look on Jason's face should've sent Zayn running. He looked just about ready to kill him. "Zayn, come on," I pulled his arm, getting anxious.
"No!"he protested, shrugging my hand off.
"Zayn," I urged, beginning to panic. "Come on. Let's go. He'll hurt you!"
"So what? It won't change the fact that he is a loser."
That did it. Jason lunged at Zayn, bulldozing him to the ground. Oh no. Oh no. Jason began viciously punching him. Zayn flipped him over, and returned Jason's punches with twice as much force. Darren tried to hold him back, but he pulled away and kicked Jason so hard it sounded like his ribs cracked. "Stop him!" Stacey shouted, only now realising the urgency and seriousness of the situation. Adam jumped into action, and helped Darren pull Zayn off Jason. He struggled in their grip, still fuming. "Zayn! Stop it," I shouted, slapping him when he didn't. "Snap out of it."
He stopped struggling, nodding and struggling to calm his breathing. "You stupid little bitch. You forgot I have your biggest secret!" Jason sneered, smiling as Stacey helped him up. Even with blood running down his nose, he looked like a jerk. In a flash, Zayn was out of Darren and Adam's grasp. He sprinted to Jason and pounced on him, toppling him to the ground again. He began punching him again. Wow, I had no idea the guy is that fast.
Fortunately, Couch Styfler showed up out of nowhere, separating the two boys. He grabbed the two boys and began dragging them to the principal's office. I stood there, mouth agape, completely and utterly shocked. I had no idea how to decipher what I'd just witnessed. What the fuck just happened!?


Heyy guys!!?

How are you?? I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. It's not my best work and I'm pretty sure I didn't edit so feel free to correct any errors. Anyway, please vote and comment. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day!!


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