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Talking about it is not my style

"Guess who got us all invitations to a Brad Tea party!" Priscilla exclaimed. "Not you by any chance?" Adam mused, lips pulled up in an almost face splitting grin. I forced my mind to trail back to the conversation, trying to not think about my very eventful night and the project I'd just submitted that morning. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders when Zayn and I finished the project and submitted it, but it felt like another weight had replaced the other because I kept wondering if he still wanted to hang out with me. He probably didn't. "Who else would it be?" She mused back. I glanced between the both of them, confused. "What's a Brad Tea party?"I asked.
"It's just a huge party Brad Samuels throws every month or so," Priscilla elaborated, not very clearly if you asked me.
"And you have gotten us invitations to said party?"I asked.
"Yes! Aren't I the greatest friend?" Her voice and face were both very, very smug. Too bad I couldn't go.
"I can't go," I sighed.
"Why not?" Adam quirked an eyebrow.
"I sneaked out last night, got caught and now I'm practically grounded for the rest of the year," I left out the Zayn part. Mostly because Zayn and I hadn't talked about what happened yet and what it meant for the both of us. Were we now dating? Or we just kissed but are still friends. Are we even friends? Ugh, all this was very confusing.
"You...sneak out? Those two things don't go together," Adam shook his head. Zayn and his friends suddenly burst through the cafeteria doors, laughing at some lame joke. I assume it was lame because it looked like the blonde, Stacey was the one who said it. I felt a foreign emotion course through my body when I saw Zayn laughing along- loudly, mind you - with them. I didn't know what was wrong with me. These were his friends, I couldn't suddenly expect him to hate them just because I did. But I did expect exactly that. "Dude, she actually thinks you like her?" Jason asked loudly, inbetween laughter. I perked up in my chair when I noticed his question was directed to Zayn."Don't get me wrong, she's hot. But she's not my type. The only reason I talked to her was for school," Zayn replied, raising his voice a bit so Jason could hear him over his friends' booming banter. Do you know that feeling you get when someone is talking about you but hasn't said your name, but somehow you still know it's you?That was me at that exact moment. "Yeah, she is a hot piece of ass," Jason drawled before leaning in to 'whisper' (but was really speaking in normal volume): " But have you done anything yet? With her?" I didn't know why I still heard their conversation even though they were several feet away. I dropped my pen on purpose, turning to grab it so I could see Zayn's expression.
"Talking about it is not my style," he cheekily grinned. The asshole made it seem like we had done more than kiss. Calm down, you have no idea if he is really talking about you. But I knew. I just knew he was talking about me and had no idea why it bothered me so much. He had probably thought nothing of our night together, just another night with another girl. "I'm going to the bathroom," I excused myself, hastily getting up from my seat. "Are you okay?" Cilla asked and I nodded quickly. I was halfway to the door when I heard Zayn call out to me. I purposely ignored him, slightly scowling when I heard him catch up to me. I sighed, stopping and turning. "I wanted to say thank you. That was by far the best project I've ever done." You, my friend, haven't done anything, it was all me.

looked over his shoulder to his friends, meeting Jason's cold observant eyes. I cleared my throat, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're welcome," I faked a smile but I don't think he noticed that it was fake. If he did, it didn't seem to faze or bother him.
"Can you just stay away from me," I cut him off, shocking us both. He gaped, his eyes almost bulging out of their socket. "Why?"He asked.
"I mean, it's only best, since the only reason we talked was for school," I referenced his earlier comment. He wordlessly stared at me, seemingly trying to read my emotions from my expression. "Staring at me isn't going to change my mind," I snapped.
"Fine," he snapped back, before turning and strolling back to his friends.

* * *


Heyy!!! How do you like the story so far? What do you think about Zayn now? Does she have a right to be pissed off?

A piece of unnecessary information that no one wants to know: I have another story in the works but I'm not going to release it until I finish this one. BTW, this is my first ever story on Wattpad.


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