Twenty three ✓

58 1 0

Green with envy

Mrs Butler's POV

"Mrs Butler, I'm glad you were able to come," My boss beamed, voice as stern as usual. My eyes trailed to the boy sitting on a chair, lips in an angry pout. "He refuses to talk. I thought you would be able to help."
I nodded, unusually glad that I'll have some alone time with Zayn after so long. My mind trailed back to our summer, were every stolen moment was an opportunity to be together- in more ways than one. Maybe he had done whatever it is he had done to get to principal's office to see me. The thought made brush my hands over my hair, in hopes of fixing myself up a bit. "Sure. Let's go to my office Zayn," I said and led the way down the hallway to my small but neat office. When we arrived, Zayn slammed the door behind him, in a manner that suggested urgency. Mhm....maybe he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him.  I immediately moved to unbuttoning my blouse, smiling coyly. "What are you doing?" He asked, causing me to falter.
"We haven't been together this way in so long. I just assumed-"
"You assumed wrong. I'm done sleeping with you."
My lips twisted in anger, not believing my ears. He was the one who sought after me and now he was...dumping me? He, who had begged me relentlessly to "give into his touch" was now deciding he'd had enough of me? My insides filled with anger when I remembered how cozy he had been with Saurez earlier that day. She was the reason, wasn't she? I didn't even want them paired together in the first place. And when she came to ask to switch partners, I almost obliged her. But it was against the rules. Someone suddenly knocked on the door, and I took a deep breath before opening the door. It was none other than Camilla, holding a phone. I stared at her beautiful dark eyes, surrounded by long dark eyelashes, her perfectly sized nose, her full lips, her glowing tan skin and her long shiny dark hair with envy. "Hi, Mrs Butler. I'm here to give Zayn his phone, it fell out when he was fighting," she smiled politely. She had such an innocent smile, such youth, no wonder Zayn wanted her instead of me. "Couldn't you do that another time?" I snapped. She faltered but of course, Prince Charming had to come to the rescue. "Thank you. Is it cracked?" He asked as he pushed past me. "A little bit,"she nodded. He examined his phone, before he looked at her with so much passion, my heart squeezed with jealousy. Had he also looked at me that way? "I'll call you tonight," he said and she nodded before finally leaving. I turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Jasmine," he sighed as he removed them.
"What Zayn? You're just going to end us? After everything?" His stupid little friend hadn't been able to come between us but now he was letting her do the job. "It's better this way. Before anyone else finds out," he replied. My lower lip trembled as I held back tears. "Zayn, you know why I want this! You know what my ex did to me!" I pleaded. "I was broken. And you came along and you- you fixed me."
"Jasmine! Are you listening to yourself? You're begging for a seventeen year old to stay in an illegal relationship with you!"
"You think I don't know how disgusting that is?" I sobbed, dropping my hands to my sides.
"I need to go," he said, before walking out.


Camilla's POV

I glanced over my shoulder at my mother's car before stopping. Zayn's face had already begun to bruise. I reached up, my fingers lightly stroking his purple jaw.
"I've been suspended for two weeks," he informed me.
"That's like the rest of the semester! They can't do that!" I exclaimed.
"They can and they did," he shrugged nonchalantly.
"But you just got back today," I complained. My eyes caught sight of Adam and Darren, who were watching Zayn and I from a distance. "What about Jason? Is he alright?"
"Like I give a damn," he scoffed, turning his head away from me. He saw Adam and Darren too, and gave them his middle finger. "I'll call you," he kissed my cheek and jogged away.


Later that night, Zayn, as promised, called. "Zayn."
"Camilla," his tone matched mine.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked after a moment of silence. He hesitated before muttering a suspicious "sure".
"When you and Jason were fighting, he said he knows your biggest secret-"
"I'd rather not talk about that."
"Okay," I said softly. "I understand."
"Thank you," he sighed. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Would you-  maybe - possibly- like to be my girlfriend?"
I decided to fuck with him a little bit. "What do you think?"
"Oh come on," he let out a tortured groan. "Don't do this to me."
"Do what, Zayn?" I asked, feigning innocence.
"Please. Why do you torture me this way?!!"
"Because you deserve it!" I laughed."You have been mean to me ever since we met."
"Me? I reckon you were the one who was rude."
We spent a few more minutes laughing and cracking jokes at each other's expenses. "Okay, let's be serious for a moment," he said, voice returning to its normal seriousness. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"Yes," I smiled, giggling into my pillow.
"You know I can hear you giggling right?"
"Really? Oh my god," I chuckled, slightly embarrassed.
"Don't worry I think it's very cute, girlfriend."
"Why thank you, boyfriend."
We exchanged goodbyes and I drifted into a deep slumber with a smile on my face.


Did anyone see the Zayn and Mrs Butler situation coming? I kind of hinted towards it in the first chapter. I think I said something about their gazes being way too intense or something like that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Please vote and comment and share. Thank you so much for giving my story a chance.


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