sunday afternoons

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Sunday afternoons were my favorite time of the week. I loved being able to see my grandparents, even if it was only a couple hours a week. Spending time with my grandparents were usually filled with watching the box screen television for hours with my grandfather passed out on the recliner and my grandmother in the kitchen preparing supper. Though it sounds rather boring, I absolutely loved it. My grandparent's house was like an escape from reality. No stress from school or my fighting parents. Just a boy and his grandparents enjoying a Sunday afternoon.

The year was 1996, it had just turned May. I was soon to be a teenager in October, which I was quite excited for.

"Bryan Lee, for the love of our good lord hurry up and get in the car!" My mother yelled from her old beat up '79 Corolla. I quickly turned off my Nintendo and rushed myself out of the door. My mom was always in a big rush on Sundays and I never really understood why. She would always tell me she had to go somewhere work related, but every time she would pick me up she looked like she had been up all night and always seemed super out of it, I just assume she had worked pretty hard. I climbed in the backseat over the clutter and buckled myself in. "Did you buckle yourself up Bryan Lee?" My mother asked, dead-eyeing me through the rear view mirror. "Yes, mom, I'm buckled up." She rolled her eyes and began to start driving.

My grandparents lived about thirty minutes from me, in a huge ranch on the biggest hill in our town. It was beautiful. My favorite part about that place was the old cat that always came around when I was there just so I would pet her. Grandpa never really liked cats and my grandma was allergic, so I was really the only one who'd give her the attention.

The drive to my grandparents house was usually silent, except for when my mother would road rage at people who wouldn't get out of her way. It always felt like she was in the biggest rush to get me to my grandparents house on Sundays. On the way there I would usually just stare outside of the window and watch the cars drive by.

Finally, we had pulled into my grandparents ranch and I couldn't be happier. The best part of my weekend was finally here. I quickly unbuckled myself and climbed through the clutter of the backseat, opening and shutting the door quickly. "Bye mom, I love you!" I said while running up the dirt road towards my grandparents house. "I'll be back in a few hours, do not touch any snakes Bryan Lee do you hear me? Love you son!" She yelled, pulling out of the driveway and speeding down the road. I just rolled my eyes and kept towards the house.

I ran up the steps of the porch and started knocking. "I'm here I'm here I'm here!" I yelled with the biggest grin. My grandpa peeked his head out of the door with a confused look on his face. "Eleanor, honey, there's a stranger at the door! Young man, who are you and where did you come from?" My grandpa joked with a smirk on his face. He was always the biggest joker. "Oh grandpa you know it's me now hurry and let me in I'm starving!" My grandpa laughed and opened the door and gave me the biggest hug. "Your grandmother is making fried fish tonight, your favorite. Maybe your mom will let you stay here for dinner?" He asked with his hands on his hips. The thought of eating my favorite dinner was exciting, but my mom always made me come home right when she was done for work. Staying over at my grandparents was very rare, they didn't have the best relationship.

"Well there's my little Bry!" My grandmother said excitedly as she came up to me, kissing me all over my face and pulling me into the tightest hug. "You get bigger every week I tell you, now come in here and help your grandma make supper, I think I heard that you'll be joining us tonight." She said with a wink, walking me to the kitchen. "Well I don't know, mom hasn't been in a good mood recently. Maybe you guys could ask her?" I said looking at my grandma and grandpa. They both looked at each other and sighed. "Oh I wish it was that easy, son." My grandpa muttered while falling back into his recliner and lighting a cigar. "Why do you say that?" I asked. "Well you know how your mom is, kid. She doesn't like us much and only lets you see us once a week for 'work related' things." He stated looking back at my grandma as she shook her head. "Mike, quit talking about her like that. She might be mad at us but the boy doesn't need to know any of that." Grandpa shook his head and took a puff of his cigar.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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