It's My Party And I'll Cry To The End

Start from the beginning

He shakes his head, releasing my hand to clutch my face with both hands. I'm only idly aware of how close the cigarette is to my face, but he bends down, pulling me closer. His thumb grazes my lips and my jaw relaxes at his touch but before I know it, his mouth is hovered feather-close to mine and his lips part. Thick white smoke emits and when I inhale, it burns my lungs and stings my eyes.

I slip my hands up his shirt, letting my head fall back slightly and my eyes flutter shut. The smoke surrounds us and he presses his lips to mine, moving his arms over my shoulder, keeping the cig far away from me, but still keeping me secure and close as he licks into to my mouth. I let out a content sigh, clutching his shirt tighter. I stand on my tiptoes and press against him. I feel his lips stretch across mine and then he pulls away, grinning at me.

"What was that?" I breathe out, glancing at him with wide eyes. His smile is contagious and his face is bright.

He shrugs, reaching to flick the cigarette out the window, "Something I wanted to try. Besides, It's better innit? No coughing, this time," he points out, teasingly. I pout, slapping his shoulder. Matty moves off the counter, backing me against the fridge, lifting my legs around his hips and pushing against me. His demeanor changing as he eyes me thoughtfully. My dress has slid up and I try to shimmy up as if to shift it back into place. Matty watches amused but his eyes seem to darken more so than usual and I pause under his penetrating gaze. "Is it bad," he asks quietly, "That I want to fuck you right now, right here against this refrigerator?" his hips seem to rut a bit closer to my pelvis and my pulse quickens.

"Just a bit," I murmur, "There's a party going on – someone's gonna walk in."

He grins, "They can stay for the show."

I snort, letting my head fall against his shoulder, tilting slightly to peer up at him, "We can't."

"I know," he rolls his eyes. "But once you're all better, this is the first place I'm taking you."

"Jesus, Matthew," Jamie cries, "We cook in here!"

"I cook in here," Anna corrects, holding up an eyeliner, "and quite frankly, I don't actually mind, just, you know, clean up. Now, I've gotten Adam, turned him into a zombie, and I gave Ross some wolf ears, now where's the tall blonde one?"

George walks in but spots the eyeliner clutched in Anna's hand and walks away before Anna or Jamie can turn around. I chuckle, turning my face into Matty's neck. I press a kiss to his skin.

Matty shrugs at Anna's inquisition, "I'm not his keeper."

"You're no help."

"I just wanted ice," Jamie admits, "Now scoot," he waves us with his hand and Matty backs up against the counter again, keeping hold under my thighs, cupping behind my knees. Jamie grabs the ice tray in the freezer, chuckling to himself as he turns around; he grabs my ass with his cold fingers and I screech, jolting against Matty. "Nice undies, Marcy."

"Fuck off," Matty laughs, batting at Jamie's hands while trying to keep me in place.

Jamie sticks his tongue out, walking backwards as he exits.

"C'mon," I say, bouncing lightly, "Let me down."

"I'd rather you stay right here and keep bouncing."

I roll my eyes, trying to stop my sudden instinctive bouncing from excitement, "Matty, your song's playing, let's dance."

He lets me down and tugs my dress for me. He grabs my hands, pulling them behind his back before hugging me back, looking down at me with cocked eyebrows, "You wanna have dance to Chocolate?" I look up at him, nodding. He furrows his eyebrows, "Baby, why do you even like that song. It's our best song and I hate it for you," he admits.

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