Bonus Chapter- It has never been easy for us(1)

Start from the beginning

Zen decides it's time for him to make Kai comfortable. They both won't make any progress if they keep on being awkward like this in each other's presence. He keeps the bowls in front of Kai, turns off the lights and himself slides inside the covers and settles himself next to Kai comfortably.

Kai shivered as soon as Zen's arm touched his. Stop with the fangirling already, Kai! He so wants to slap himself. It's not really his fault. He never in a million years, thought that he will actually have a chance to date Zen.

"What movie are we watching?"


"Huh? I've never heard about it."

Kai plays with his fingers, not looking at Zen. Zen smiles and covers themselves properly with the duvet.

"It's an animated movie."

Zen did watch many animated movies in his school days and loved them so he really doesn't mind watching it on his first date with Kai. If one can even call it a date.

The movie starts playing and the first twelve minutes of it are enough to make both the men emotional. Why did Ellie die? Obviously, it pulled at their heartstrings!

Zen pours some coke in the throw away cup and passes it to Kai who happily accepts the drink. They both enjoy the movie, their hands occasionally touching as they both reach for the popcorn or the Doritos at the same time.

The room is filled with laughs and Kai has a coughing fit as the giant bird impersonates Carl. Wrong time to laugh!

Zen pats Kai's back while laughing himself and receives a light punch on his shoulder. Kai steals glances at Zen in between the movie, wanting nothing more than to snuggle in his chest and has Zen's arms wrapped around himself but no can do.

Zen is aware of Kai looking at him occasionally. He wants to pull him closer and offer his chest as the pillow but something in him stops him from doing it. He doesn't know why but he can't bring himself to hug Kai. He imagines the scene playing in his mind and shakes his head. Will he ever stop being uncomfortable with the thought of showing love to Kai physically? He'll have to. Someday...

Their date is full of stolen glances and controlling themselves from touching the other. Both of them hardly pay attention to the movie. Both are lost in their own thoughts. When it's the time to say goodbye, they both just stand at the doorway, looking at each other, at a loss of words.

"Well, I had a good time." Zen decides to speak.

"Me too." Kai mumbles.

They both look at each other for a few seconds and then Zen breaks the silence once again.

"See you tomorrow."

Kai smiles and waves at him goodbye as his heart goes crazy when Zen smiles back.

When the senior leaves, Kai slams the door shut, runs insides and jumps on the convertible and screams. Him and Zen were on the same bed, watching movies! It's a dream come true! He can't wait to share more moments with Zen! Hopefully, with time, the awkwardness will go away.


Zen is sitting in his room, staring at his phone, wanting to slam it on his head. It's the third freaking time he did this to Kai! He'll be lucky if Kai doesn't leave his ass.

The first time was an accident. Zen still doesn't know why he did it. They were in a park, enjoying the cold evening breeze, sitting on the wooden bench and eating cotton candy. Zen was looking at the little pups playing together as their owners gush over them when he felt a little weight on his arm. His head snapped in the direction to find out that it's Kai who's resting his head on his arm.

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