Chapter Three; Breaking and Entering and Eating

Start from the beginning

When she started to turn in my direction, I leapt off of the steps and rushed back into the trees, crouching in the bushes when she opened the front door and stepped out, her eyes drifting over the outskirts of the woods but I was use to hiding within trees.

I just prayed she didn't have a high sense of smell like I had. Come to think of it, I truly didn't even know all of Wanda's abilities. I knew that she was a witch, the Scarlet Witch to be exact. She could create realities, get into your head, fly.. destroy.. but I wasn't sure what else she could truly do.

I'd like to know.. just to be sure of who I was up against but I could now add cooking to the list. Who would've known?

Once she reentered the cabin, I retreated back to be hidden by the trees, careful to not step on any twigs or branches to cause attention. I had to find somewhere to stay, somewhere safe and hopefully with at least a bit of shelter.

Like.. that cave— maybe my luck is turning out a bit more.

The indentation to the rock was big enough to hole up in. The overhang of the rock just pulling past my legs if I laid down; it was also a few meters from the lake. Pretty view, bonus.

As I sat against the wall of the cave, my boot out in the setting sun to hopefully dry, I slid my hands into my pockets and pulled out the only things I had from the wreck.

My ring, a soggy fruit roll up, and the watch. "Fuck it." I said with a huff, ripping the white paper off and pulling half of the candy out and starting to eat it while trying to figure out the watch. "Hello?" I said, speaking into it before knocking on it a few times which caused it to glitch, the letters and numbers all jumbled up before it cut off. I huffed. "Million dollar corporation but can't afford waterproof watches."

Tossing it to the side, I slid down and laid on my back, trying to ignore the rough feeling of dirt and rocks under my back. It was easy to forget about it as I held up my ring, slowly turning and rubbing my thumb along the engraved words.

When I said it was all I had left of them, that wasn't a lie. I had no pictures, no clothing, no wills, no futuristic holograms, just a titanium ring and a whole lotta pent up anger.

But mostly memories.. I wish that I could be the person who cherished memories more than revenge but I simply couldn't let it go. Vengeance has been on my mind since that day and I had no choice but to act on it.

Something inside of me was breaking every day that I didn't get closure. Every day that I was left without resolution and without an answer.. I needed to close this part of my life. It's like my body was filled with guitar strings. They were getting pulled and snapped day after day.. and I feared what would happen when all of those strings came loose. What would I do? Who would I become?

I'd become my moms worse fear and I simply couldn't let that happen.

That meant momentarily putting my anger aside so that I could complete my mission. Lowering my hand, I slid the ring back into my pocket and stared up at the roof of the cave, two blue lights shining on them as I tried to reel in my anger, reel it in enough to do what I had to do.

Once I felt that burning of my eyes subside, the glowing blue turning to a dull nothing, I exhaled slowly, nodding to myself. I don't wanna play nice but we have to.. then.. then we have our fun.

I nodded at my internal thoughts, allowing my eyes to drift closed for a moment, hoping I'd have enough will power to wake myself up at night. Because before I could even start anything.. I needed at least one good meal.

"There are things we've gotta remember as our own community."

I wonder how high I can truly jump.. I thought to myself as I looked up at the tree, eyeing the branch that hung out about twenty feet above my head. I've always wanted to climb a tree but I wasn't some goddamn squirrel.. but that didn't mean I couldn't jump.

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