Chapter 19: Scared little boy

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"Okay, okay... You see, I... I wanted to know if... How can I...? How should I...?" Atsumu bit his lip hard and steeled himself. He sat bolt upright, his hands resting on his knees to offer an image of stability. "What do I have to do to... satisfy my alpha?"

Kita looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He hadn't expected such a question, but that was not what had caught his attention. He wasn't as surprised by the question as he was by the way Atsumu had referred to Sakusa, but he didn't care about that after a few seconds. Then he sighed.

"You mean satisfy him sexually?"

"Y-yes," Atsumu said with flushed cheeks.

"I'm afraid Sakusa doesn't care about that."

Atsumu stared at him with his mouth ajar and confusion painted in his large, expressive brown eyes.

"How is that possible? He's an alpha, what about his instinct?"

"Nobody knows what goes on inside his head, in any way. And when it comes to sexual behaviour, even less. It's a mystery even to us, the members of his pack. He's never been accompanied at night, neither by men, nor by women. Neither betas, nor omegas, nor humans have approached his bed. I'm sorry to tell you that, in this case, I won't be able to help you because I don't even know about it myself."

Atsumu nodded slowly, unable to fully believe what Kita had told him. He had known Sakusa for two months; it wasn't too long, that was true, but it was long enough to have been able to feel the alpha pheromones. Maybe he hadn't felt them as strong as in other werewolves but the spicy aroma of desire was in him, although very subtle. So what Kita was telling him was... absurd, and very weird, yet at the same time it made sense. Sakusa was distant, with an outcast and detached demeanor; there were only two omegas in his pack, and apparently he hadn't been with either of them, but he had to have been with someone at some point, he wasn't made of stone; he had physical desires like everyone else, human and non-human.

So what's wrong with him?, Atsumu thought.

He shot a glance at Kita as the boy read concentrated the label on a small glass vial. He was not nervous or upset, it seemed that he had spoken the truth. But that meant that if neither he nor Shirabu could help him figure out what to do for Sakusa, no one could.

He was getting more and more frustrated. Was it true that Sakusa wasn't really interested in that? And most shockingly, why did Atsumu really care so much about knowing Sakusa's desires?


Sakusa opened the door before Atsumu could tap on it twice with his knuckles. The omega froze, his fist raised and a scowl of surprise and confusion at the piercing black-eyed gaze the alpha threw at him.

"You wanted to see me, Atsumu?" Sakusa asked bored, leaning against the door frame.

"H-how did you—?"

"... know you were here? I smelled you," Sakusa said with a shrug. "What do you want?"

Atsumu bit his lip and looked down at the ground, where his feet moved nonstop in anxiety. He didn't even know what he was doing there, he had gone to Sakusa's house after dusk in an attempt to check... What? What did he hope to find out? It was the first time he had shown up at the alpha's house and he didn't know what to do or say. Maybe he should apologize, turn around, and walk away the way he'd come, but there was something keeping him from leaving without an answer.

"I don't have all night," Sakusa urged him.

Atsumu looked at him hesitantly, fiddling with his fingers. Sakusa snorted in annoyance and leaned out the door to look out at the dark, deserted street. There was no one there, but Sakusa wasn't comfortable in the open, so he stepped aside and nodded, inviting the omega to pass. Atsumu looked at him gratefully and entered the austere dwelling.

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