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chapter 14

Birthday kiss

Few months have passed and Taehyung's birthday is next week. I was at their usual hangout spot with Nayeon and the rest of his gang without notice

Jimin chortles and slings his arm on my shoulder "I'd say you give him a kiss?" Jin pushes him away and suggests something worse "what about porn magazines, he loves them"

He does?

"You fools! that's not how you impress a man" it was Yoongi's turn to slur idiotic ideas "if he doesn't get your signals then just drop your bra and say oops! my bra fell"

I squint my brows and look at him in disbelief, is he serious? I mused over those thoughts and realized none of them was even decent, seriously men are so hard to understand

"If you want decent then I'd say you answer him and be a real thing" Namjoon spoke carefully. I for once found it possible to offer at his birthday "not bad."

"I can't believe Taehyung's gonna be laid by his crush" Hoseok says making everyone laugh even Nayeon, if it's not obvious enough I can tell they talk about us when we're not around

"He loves you a lot" Jimin tells me in a small voice and I can't help but question it, we're young, and most of the relationships in high school don't end up nicely

"I'd like to see you act like a saint again, Jungkook, your pants are gonna pop up from staring at her someday" I groan from hearing their indecent jokes on each other, men and their words

All the time you would naturally hear the word 'jerk off' 'porn' 'masturbate' naturally slip off their mouths as if they were vowels

While girls? you expect them to be that saint and innocent sheep

"Damn, did you see that girl's rack-"

"Shut up, Dahyun can hear it!" Taehyung runs up to us with a pissed off look, he pushes Jimin off his spot and claims it beside me, he smoothly wraps his arm on my shoulder and they all woooohh

"What's that?!" Jimin shouts at Taehyung's hand on me

"Yii" Hoseok says and pushes me towards Taehyung's side more, they all started to squeal with meaning from the both of us

God! would you please tease us louder!

"Vhyun!" Nayeon grins happily with her hands in the air, I already know what she means by that term, it's our ship name of course, whenever I pass by my locker Jimin shouts that word and gives me the look

He's one to talk about his love life

"Can you not talk our way of speaking in front of girls, I don't like it" Taehyung scoffed at them and licked his lips, I finally confirmed that it's his habit

"Trying the polite card now are we?" Yoongi laughs at him receiving no response from the silent man next to me, I shrug thinking that he's not liking his friends right now

"Wanna go somewhere else?"

I enter the house with Taehyung after class ended, my mom widens her eyes and almost drops her iphone on the floor "oh my baby jesus!"

She runs up to Taehyung as he politely kisses her cheeks "good afternoon mommy" great, now he calls her that crap, this crazy manipulative witch, I wanna cook her alive!

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