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chapter 11

The way I see you

A week went by and I walk by the court with Nayeon while she points to random men playing basketball, they stopped playing as they all stared at me

"Hi!" they all greet as I sit on a bench while drinking my coca cola, Nayeon hands me some chips as I take some of them "why are we here again?" I ask her

"My brother said to watch him play" and among that crowd of men I spotted him, he had his eyes on the ball instead of me as he shoots it perfectly, he grins satisfactorily while running a hand through his hair

When he noticed that his team mates were distracted by something, which is me, he quickly found my eyes making me look at my shoes instead

"Uh...Nayeon, I don't think we should watch" the match proceeded making me grimace in discomfort, Taehyung obviously started to lose his focus as he failed to shoot the ball several times

I knew it, I'm distracting him

"Shush, my brother doesn't lose" she pulls me down to sit next to her, I sigh in defeat, whatever, I should just stop assuming that he's being distracted by me

Minutes pass and I couldn't count how many times our eyes met, it made me wonder if it was coincidence or not, my face would flush red whenever he turns to our direction

I forced myself to think it was Nayeon he was looking for but it was obviously me, no matter how much I deny it, it's still the truth

Yesterday, he approached me so boldly

I closed my eyes when I felt my body heating up from remembering what happened

I took a deep breath and I heard Taehyung yell at his opponent, he nudged him on purpose making him fall on the floor, what?

"yah! that's foul play! you did it on purpose" the man on the floor argues making Taehyung roll his eyes and snarl "if I did it on purpose I would have made sure your face fell first!"

"Why you..." I saw his team mate getting in between them to stop the nearing argument, well, it would have been nice if this tournament turned into boxing

I never knew Taehyung was this aggressive

"This happens all the time" Nayeon laughs while lifting her leg to rest it on someone's bag in front of us "the opponent would usually whisper something to Taehyung and there he goes doing that, that's why they always lose"

I look at Taehyung who had a face that wanted to kill, his eyes find mine again as they squint in anger, wait, why the hell is looking at me like it's my fault?!

Damn, asshole

I stood and walked away, I can't take it anymore, I think he's mentally blaming me for what happened, then fine! if I distract him then whatever I don't care

I was at a distance away from the court when Nayeon runs up to me in panic, what now?! she pants for air as she points to me "omg omg, when you left he punched Rad and he got punched back, huhuhuhu bess what are we going to do?!"

"What? take him to the infirmary-"

"THEY'RE FIGHTING BECAUSE OF YOU!!" she says in a shaky tone while being teary eyed, I knew it! that heated argument was about me!

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