They began hunting Werewolves from Moon pack as a sport. Some even hunted us in order to gain a bounty or to sell our body parts to the collecters at high prices.

My Father put his life on the line to get me and my Mother out of that chaos safely. My Mother was wounded but she still tried her best to get me as far away from those monsters as possible. She safely got me to a lady's house that was located deep inside the forest. That woman was a friend of my Mother, the only human friend of my Mother. After leaving me in her care she rushed back to my Father.

I wanted to go with her. I wanted to fight too but I was still a pup who wouldn't stand a chance in front of those big, scary and fanged monsters. My Mother never returned, nor did my Father and I had accepted that I was the only survivor of the Moon pack. My family and my pack was gone forever.

Ever since that day, I let my hatred grow. I made it my goal to get revenge on the Jaeger Organization who murdered my loved ones. They are a bunch of filthy bounty hunters with supernatural powers. They kill or capture other supernatural creatures for their body parts. Their leader is a half Werewolf and half Witch hybrid himself. I will have my revenge on him. I will destroy him for murdering my pack.

Ever since my childhood, I have trained every single day in order get stronger. I have been preparing to destroy the Jaeger Organization since a long time. If I am able to take down their leader then the whole organization will collapse. There aren't much members in that organization cause their leader doesn't trust much supernatural beings. Despite comprising of a few members, the organization is quite famous and it is not easy to find their hideouts or destroy them.

The woman whom my Mother used to be friends with is the one who raised me and took care of me as her own child. She is so much like my own Mother and I love her. She supports my dreams and gives me all her love. I'm lucky to have her. Despite knowing that I'm a Werewolf she never once treated me different than a human. She wanted me to have a normal childhood that's why she enrolled me in elementary school.

I never had any friends till high school since I was still a bit unsure if I should open up to humans. It felt like I never belonged with them and none ever approached me either. Lisa was the first ever human who approached me but I tried to distance myself from her since I was afraid of hurting her. I was afraid if she ever got to know about my true identity, she would be scared of me or she would even hate me. I never wanted that, I never wanted to lose the only friend I ever had so I tried my best to keep my identity a secret from her until she accidentally discovered it while we were on a field trip.

Two Years Ago:

We tried to find our way back to the campsite where the rest of the students were but we failed miserably. We wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place if stupid Lisa didn't wanted to go exploring at nighttime but now we didn't have any choice but to wait for our teachers to come find us. While we waited for someone to come find us we encountered a big, hungry bear who was definitely going to attack us.

It decided to go for Lisa as it must've sensed that I wasn't normal. I didn't have much of a choice at that time. I had to transform myself to defend Lisa. After that incident I feared that she might be afraid to face me now that she knows that I'm a freaking Werewolf. To my surprise, she didn't push me away instead she was glad now that I had shared my secret with her. Since then we grew even closer.


Now the only two people who matter in my life are Lisa and my Mom. I never want to lose them. I'll protect them from any harm but I must grow stronger than I am right now and improve myself constantly. After I'm strong enough, I shall have my revenge on the Jaegar Organization.

Wolves - Kim Namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now