Part one: Epilogue🔥

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In the outskirts of Crocus, the blooming capital of the kingdom of Fiore, there sat a small h/c girl on the edge of the sidewalk. She scanned the area quickly, spotting a large man in what she assumed to be a rather expensive coat across the market buying quite a bit of food.

The girl figured that the man could spare a bit of his large bag of food and approached him, his back was turned, facing the merchant in front of him. Allowing for the small girl to reach into an opening in his bag, taking out a loaf of bread and an apple.

The girl walked a few feet farther into the crowd, maneuvering her way threw the crowd and behind an alley way. She took a few jewel from random pockets as she did so, everyone in the crowd being none the wiser.

She used one of the only spells in her repertoire and hoisted herself onto a rooftop of a slightly abandoned building, there were people living in it, but only on the first floor.

The girl smiled to herself proudly as she opened a latch type door, jumping down into it to reveal the cold and damp place she had called a home.

She placed the jewel she had collected into a jar underneath a broken bed frame that had a ripped up mattress over it, afterwards picking up her blanket which she had dropped on the floor this morning.

The girl then walked over to the broken table in front of a window, placing the bread and the apple on top of it. She then turned to a mirror, a mirror that also happened to be in the same state as the table and bed, broken.

She gandered at her body and frowned, her ragged (hair color) shoulder length hair covering her eyes, and the purple dress she once wore regularly was reduced to tattered rags, stitched together with whatever she could find.

Her stomach rumbled, alerting her of her growing hunger. She turned and sliced a small bit of the loaf, scarfing the slice down and making her way back to the bed and pouring out all her jewel, counting each and every piece before sighing.

"Only 5000... thats barely enough to get some new clothes..."

The girl closed the jar, placing it under the bed once again and laying down onto the tattered bed. The girl placed a blanket over her body as the fall air slowly flowed into the air, tossing and turning.

She ultimately decided to leave her home again to see if she could score some more food, using her magic to lift herself outside.

The sun was still out, which thankfully balanced out the strong winds of the harsh fall. The girl walked out into the market street, glancing around and studying each and every person.

Her (eye color) eyes made their way toward a short stubby man, holding a sack of some sort with bag of jewels sticking out of his pocket.

The small girl weaved her way through the crowd and toward the man, carefully snatching the bag from his pocket and running through the busy crowd.

The girl ducked into an alleyway, opening the bag and looking inside only to find small crystals in it.

"What the hell?" The girl whispered, jumping at the sudden sound of a metal bar hitting the alley wall. The same man from before approached, with a large group of men behind him.

"Thats the girl" one of the men said, they all approached the girl, two of the men grabbing her by her limbs and lifting the girl up before the larger man began to hit her with the metal pipe.

The girl shouted, attempting to us her magic in an attempt to escape, but to no avail.

She continued to kick and scream, begging for help.


Suddenly a large yellow light illuminated the alleyway and a familiar man appeared before the girl, he easily took care of the men restraining her, helping her up.

"Hey squirt you're okay now, where are your parents?"

"I don't have any..." the girl mumbled, the taller man grabbed her hand, leading her out of the alley way.

"So you've just been out on the street by yourself?"

"No...I had a brother... I think"

"You think?"

"I got into an accident a while ago...I don't remember a lot of stuff just that my mom died and my brother left me alone..."

"What about your dad?"

"I don't know..."

The girl noticed a rip in his yellow shirt, revealing a black undershirt and uncovering his guild mark on his left abdomen.

"Hey mister, whats that?" She questioned, the blonde male looked down at the rip in his shirt, the two of them sitting on a nearby bench.

"Its a guild mark sweetheart, you ever heard of a guild?"

"No, whats that?"

"Its a place where wizards work, you use any type of magic kid?"

"Yeah, I can make chains and stuff"

The blonde male nodded, glancing around before the girl spoke up again.

"By the way, whats your name mister?"

"The name's Laxus, Laxus Dreyar. What about you sweetheart?"

"(Name) (Last name)"

Laxus stood up motioning for (name) to follow him, the small girl felt comfortable with the blonde male, choosing to trust her instincts and follow behind him.

The two approached the market street once again, the (name) taking charge and leading the blonde man toward her abandoned home.

The two of them used their magic to lift themselves up, (name) opened the latch into the room, quickly gathering all her things before the two of them headed out.

A fairy's retelling || (a fairy's tale rewrite) Natsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now