part 13

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Jane started reading the next part.

And again they were on the journey. It seemed like forever, like few years have been passed since they've left Auradon, but in reality it's only been a day.

"It'll be a long journey" Benjamin jr said while the other kids nodded

It was now Jay's turn. He right now was talking with Aladin, about how his father jafar was during those days.

"Yeah, he may have an idea" jay said to mal while she nodded slightly.

They stopped infront of a cave like area, where they noticed a cave whose entrance was in the shape of a jaw of an panther.

"That's the cave of wonders " jay and mal shouted simultaneously.

"That's the cave of wonder" both jay and Aladin shouted and they both grinned at eachother.

"You both are same!" Lonnie said and laughed.

"So,jay, now your turn" Carlos said and wished him luck.

"Best of luck" all the kids shouted and Lonnie kissed him.

Upon reaching the entrance, they were greeted by a voice that said, only a descendant of Jafar, along with a descendant of the most evilest villain, and one hero who've already been here can enter.

"Why is it always me?!" Mal asked while Ben looked worried for his wife.

So it decided that Along with jay and mal, Aladin will accompany them. They entered the cave and we're greeted by a rich sight. There were jewels, Riches, everywhere, like the time during Aladdin's quest as you can remember from the story. They left that room, and entered a Smaller place,like a sand dune.

"It's  not like the time, when we went to the dragons eye quest, when we were young" jay said to the other cour four while they agreed

In the middle of the room they saw that there lying on the ground was a snake. It was not an ordinary snake, it was bright yellow sand cobra.

"That must be the talisman" Hadie pointed out.

"Hey, jay, wasn't jafar's staff was like a snake staff or something" mal asked unsurely.

"Yup it was" jay said.

Jay and Aladin both nodded at the same time.
Mal found this funny, they both did it at the same time like they were twins or something.

"Because he was a theif, and so was I. We both have so much in common. And he is like the father that I always wanted" jay said while the others smiled.

"Do I have to touch the snake or something" jay asked not sure of his question.

Cue silence in the theatre.

Mal and Aladin both hummed.
"Touch it.. let's try" Aladdin added, and gave jay a small smile.

He nodded to them and slowly approached the lying snake ,once touching it, it moved a few times but suddenly it transformed into jafar's staff.

"Cool" jay said amazed.

"" Aladdin and jay both exclaimed.

Cue laughs from everyone.

As they made their way towards the exit, they realised that there was nothing infront of them.

"Then how did you guys entered?" Ben said while holding mal close.

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